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Question about modding!


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That is an up for debate question. Personally, I would still ask while describing what I wanted to do. Most authors might be alright with a name change for sorting reasons, but some might not want their item's name changed for story reasons within their mod.



I have a bag of holding mod called Glimpse of Elswyer. The satchel itself is so named. Perhaps you might want to change it to something else so it sorts with other bags of holding from other mods. I would be opposed to it in this case as the back story for the satchel entails a homesick Khajiit mage who made and named the satchel.


If in doubt ask. It is always the safer course to seek permission.

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This is interesting, curious and ambiguous lol



From a decency point of view, I have no problem to ask mod authors for their permission, or at least give them a heads up. But I would personally find it weird and unreasonable if they would refuse, at least in this particular case. Because my mod does not intrude or alter the main mod in anyway. It simply puts a filter on top of the other mod to display some item names differently (and only slightly for better sorting).


While I fundamentally respect an authors' wish if they want their items to be displayed in a certain manner, I feel it is ultimately the decision of the end-user if he wishes to display items in sortable way or not, on his machine.


For example, if a few users decide to use my sorting mod, in addition to "rowington's XYZ mod", the latter may have a few names that totally break the sorting, as they are not part of the original master files. If the users want to maintain that sorting and ask me for a patch for "rowington's XYZ mod", I don't feel it will be logically or ethically wrong if I made such a patch, even if rowington decided to refuse giving me permission, for some reason. His mod is 100% intact and all of its functions are the same, only a small separate filter/mod was added on top to change a few names slightly for better sorting; and this filter/mod can be deactivated and his mod would still be 100% intact.


At the end, we all create these mods and tools and release them for the benefit and enjoyment of others.

I don't know :D It is a weird case and I would strive to make everyone happy, if possible.

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I understand the concept and have no problem with sorting but, for instance, take my mod Karita the Pilgrim. If you sort by name Karita, their are 2 Karitas in Skyrim. If you sort by Pilgrim how won would have any Idea what the mod was or about. Karita the Pilgrim describes a special npc found once in Skyrim yet there is also a bard of an inn named Karita that has been modded, what criteria distinguishes the two. Not sorting on Karita. If you want to endorse how do you find the mod.


I realize the hard work you put into your mod but some thought needs to be given to the authors of the mods. I don't make mods that are going to be top files and could care less. Yet, in reality, the best way for your mod to be found is by the number of people that endorse.


So, if you can show that changing the mod name has nothing to do with the spirit of the mod and it's specific story, I might reconsider. But, if by sorting my example, just returns Karita or Pilgrim Karita, how are users going to know anything about the mod.


Sorry if I am rambling, I just woke up and perhaps I am fearful for no reason. Just remember, downloads are usually endorsement driven, no matter how good the mod.

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rowington I understand where you are coming from. I mentioned you as an example btw lol.


I am not naming NPCs or anyting like that, only items, like Charcoal into Misc - Charcoal. Ofc I try to take into consideration if an item is of specific purpose, and I reflect that in the naming. While you are justified in general to be fearful or worried for your work, I don't think it is warranted in this case; the same goes for everyone else.


I am not sure what endorsements are tbh. I made this mod for my own own use, and I have been thinking of releasing it, just in case a few people find it useful. That's all really.


Here is a list of actual changes I have made in one patch (for other mods). The changes simply involve adding a simple "Prefix" to set the names apart and make them sortable. That is about it. PS: I will give the respective authors a heads-up before/if I release. I am just giving this as an example:

>> Official Portal 2 Mod:
SPECIAL - Space Core (Portal2SpaceCore)
Armor (H) - Dovahcore Helmet (Portal2Helmet)
>> Unofficial Skyrim Patch:
Cooked - Meat Pie (FoodMeatPieUSKP)
Key - Heartwood Mill (USKPHeartwoodMillKey)
>> Convenient Horses:
SPECIAL - Imperial Horsecaller's Horn (CHHornImperial)
SPECIAL - Nordic Horsecaller's Horn (CHHornNordic)
SPECIAL - Hot Air Balloon Kit (CHBalloonKit)
Note - to Whistler (CHNoteToWhistler)
>> Soulfire:
SPECIAL - Spell Tome: Soulfire (SpellTomeSoulfire)
>> Blaze Of Eventide:
SPECIAL - Blaze of Eventide (BlazeBook)
>> Amazing Follower Tweaks:
SPECIAL - AFT Readme (TweakReadMe)
>> Atlas Map Markers:
SPECIAL - Atlas Setup Guide, Map Markers (SLMMAtlasMapMarkers)
SPECIAL - Atlas Setup Guide, Dawnguard (SLDGAtlasDawnguard)
SPECIAL - Atlas Setup Guide, Dragonborn (SLDBAtlasDragonbornSetupGuide)
>> tox Dragon Map Markers:
SPECIAL - Dragon Burial Sites (toxDragonMapMarkersBook)
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How would it order Vilja? Or other follower mods. Really, you wouldn't need my permission or anyones to release the mod I suppose but, doing your best to take the mod authors concerns into consideration is important.


I can see the work you have put into the mod and think it has great potential and hope it does well. Heck, I may even use it myself.

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I am not too sure about that one as I've not used it before. I will have to open it up in TES5Edit and see if it has any new inventory objects (I am only concerned with items that would appear in the player's inventory in the game), and if I find any, I will most probably make a simply patch and just add a simple "prefix" to match the sorting of other similar items.


I will update this post once my mod is ready for release. Still got tons of weapons and armors to sift through :sad:

But I am personally very happy about how well sorted the game has become :laugh: :cool:

Edited by Treplos
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