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Actually, factcheck.com is not an antibush site.


From factcheck.com's info page:

"Factcheck.com" was registered by Name Administration long before the U.S. vice presidential debate for use in providing a directory of commercial providers of information resources relevant to the generic term "fact check".


Factcheck.com is owned by "Name Administration" and they own many generic website names such as "antarctica.com" and whatnot. They use these pages to make a large advertizing network. Factcheck.com is used to advertize products that are relevant to "Fact Checking"


As far as I can tell, this is one of those annoying sites that Google picks up when you type in something like "Anime" and you get some bizzar page that has a ton of advertizments on it instead of a scrap of Anime (maybe the ads are relevant to Anime).


Also, it wasn't Bush who told people to go to "factcheck.com" it was Cheney in his debate with Edwards on October 5th.


Apparently, after Cheney told people to go to factcheck.com the server was hit by hundreds of thousands of people and they were forced to re-direct people to another webpage. Name Administration (which is not a US company) decided that it was appropriate to re-direct people to a website that was devoted to US politcs and so they directed them to this page which is apparently an Anti-Bush website. Apparently, the reason that they didn't redirect trafic to "factcheck.org" (which is what Cheney meant to say) is because they were contacted by the administrators of factcheck.org and were told that the server would be crippled under the stress.


Your guess is as good as mine if Name Administration intentionally redirected people to an Anti-Bush site, my gut tells me they didn't do it completely on purpose, but I think that they could have been a little more careful (even though it isn't their election).


Another note: factcheck.org (the site Cheney meant to direct people to) is not a Pro-Bush or Pro-Kerry site, it simply points out when facts are wrong on one subject or another. Had people actually gone to the right website they would have been bombarded with plenty of dirt on Bush as well.


But anyway, those are the facts on that particular incident.


EDIT: I found this on George Soros's webpage (the webpage people saw when they went to factcheck.com and were redirected, it's a little article he wrote about what happened:


While I want to get my message out, I certainly do not want to force it on people. I apologize to those who were annoyed by FactCheck.com redirecting to GeorgeSoros.com, but I'm also pleased that I may have reached some people who would not otherwise have known about the site.


Once we became aware of what was happening, my spokesman issued the following statement:


"Neither George Soros nor any organization or company with which he is affiliated owns the FactCheck.com domain name, and we are not responsible for it redirecting visitors to our site. We believe that Vice President Cheney intended to direct viewers of last night's debate to FactCheck.org. We are as surprised as anyone by this turn of events but certainly encourage voters to visit both of these valuable sites."


There has been much speculation, on sites such as Josh Marshall's and others, as to what occurred, and a recent AP story clarifies the details. I welcome all visitors to my website, and hope that whether you are here inadvertently or not, you will take the time to read my message.

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my mistake. i knew one of the 2 snakes said it ^_^ . and regarding the rest of that, i like to think that factcheck.com is antibush as well (being that they aren't in the U.S. , it's highly likely) and directed people to georgesoros.com on purpose.
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unlikely, they have absolutely nothing to do with US politics and when they tried to link to "factcheck.org" they were told by the admins that the server would buckle under the stress so they just picked another website that was political in nature and *could* handle the stress. I guess George Soros had no idea that it was happening though.


But then again, it's entirely possible ;)

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bush didn't even answer a question. if he knew something would make him look bad he avoided the question. he's a loser...



now that that's out of the way, kerry answered the questions but not as much as i'd liked. all he really said was "i'll do it better". he just seemed like he was trying really hard not to offend anyone (except for that shot at bush's wife :lol: :lol: :lol: .... that was hilarious!!). i understand that they have economists and such that do the details part for them and also as i said, i'm still pro-Kerry and !!!ANTIBUSH!!!


He made a few good points but still, not as much as he could have. Bush was getting huffy though and you could tell that Kerry was getting to him. Kerry didn't seem to get flustered or anything, he did just what you're supposed to do when talking to a raving lunatic.... smile and nod ^_^


p.s. - the 'trying not to piss anyone off' was what the pussish statement was referring to. you can kill as many people as you want but if you're worried about what every single person thinks of you then you are being a puss.



EDIT: bush's weed party game? wtf?

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the 'trying not to piss anyone off' was what the pussish statement was referring to. you can kill as many people as you want but if you're worried about what every single person thinks of you then you are being a *kittie kittie*.


I hate bush but this statement makes me hate kerry... Kerry is a person that worries what everyone thinks... That is his biggest fault!!! Therefore Kerry=*kittie kittie*


I just love to hear the attitude that calls a military veteren 'pussish'. How many people have you killed in service to your country?


Believe me... ANY soldier killed more people than kerry... i'm sure he "shot at" less people than you think...


I have no respect for Kerry military wise. he is a liar and a cheat.


But Bush isn't any better... I hate this damn election... Both these guys suck @$$.



My biggest befe with kerry is the tax thing... he does seem to understand that in order for his "plan" to work, he has to tax the top % A LOT!! that mean taxing businesses... If a business is being tax and earning no money, the company will close down... therefore leading to less jobs. Kerry's tax plan will crush america's economy.


My biggest beef with Bush is his evironmental plan... he doesn't have one... which REALLY sucks... he just made things worse.

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I hate bush but this statement makes me hate kerry...


I dont think you hate him, just ''dislike'' what he stands for... Hate is such a strong word, gets on me nerves when people say they hate someone theyve never met.


But Bush isn't any better... I hate this damn election... Both these guys suck @$$.


Another perfect reason why I want to move to Europe when I'm in/out of college. I'm sick of American politics... though, I hear its not much better over yonder...Arr... :P..

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