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can i get serana without doing dawnguard?


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here's one more since you appear to be relatively new, and maybe unseasoned in using/finding mods.


Do you like that blinding snow everywhere?


If so, move on, nothing here to see...


If not, you can make Skyrim more like a ~Feb/March/April spring version.


For me, it was a game changer


Seasons of Skyrim - Springtime Overhaul SSE


btw, I should have asked if you're playing on a console (xbox, etc) or a desktop/laptop/tower/etc. my links are all from the perspective of a desktop-ish player, not a console player,. hain't the first clue what works on consoles


And presuming you aren't just new to SE but also to Skyrim in general...two more unsolicited pieces of advise that might be of more benefit than the seem on the face of it...

  • Be careful about doing TOO much to exterior locations too soon. it can cause you headaches most of us really didn't buy the game to experience or to fix. We probably all want. Everyone probably wants that photographic experience, but it can cost, so you (in my experience) have to be cautious and do your homework. Skyrim isn't "plug and play", unless you just want the vanilla install.
  • When installing mods, one-by-one is the base rule, with game checks in between, is a smart and productive, and very often a time-saving way to do things, even if it seems like "the dull kid in the room". (the cool kid often ends up spending days trying to figure out why his game won't work after installing 20,30,40 cool mods he was recommended back-to-back, and *then* opening the game to discover one "horror" or another, (and often exacerbating the issue by doing something dumb to "fix" it... (sh... I have), making things even worse than they were.... and sometimes, that experience results in the Net-classic "Stomp away in a huff" post...sToOpIt Bethesda!). Resist the urge to install large groups of mods one after the other where you can.

Ok enough, I'd rather play guitar, and tbh, I have no idea if I've crossed the border into condescension, which isn't my intent

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