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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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Ra'vziir cuts threw both whips with his claws, making his paws bleed. Suddenly struck with an idea Ra'vziir dodges left and runs back into the forest.
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"Why are you running? Come meet your fate, sacrifice yourself to the gods!!" The Valkar leader shouted, and headed back to his search party. "I have far bigger prey to catch, and your not one of them." He yelled at Ra'vziir as he returned to his group.


Meanwhile, The Ixionian had made it halfway to Stalholme, and was sitting down to rest.

"Well, I'm halfway there, I wonder how far that one man has made it yet?" He said, marking off his location on the map. He heard the cries of a beast, and the sound of a battle, and he stood up instantly.

"No.. I need to rest.." He said softly, and sat back down..

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Ra'vziir ran back through the forest, heard the Valkar leader but didn't understand a word he said. He ran in a curved line till he had doubled back on the place he had fought the Valkar. Ra'vziir crept low to the ground and his fur changed to the colour of the ground in order to camouflage him better. Slowly keeping to the ground he followed the smell of rotting flesh.
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As the Valkar leader returned to his party, the Acolytes had returned, and with four reanimated Felhounds.

The demonic beasts were brutally killed before their reanimation, and were stitched together crudely. All of them had large maggot infestations on their skin, and were dripping foul bodily fluids.

"Master, the beasts are at your every beck and call.." An acolyte said.

The Fleshbeasts were sniffing around, twitching and jerking.

"Hmm and it appears as though your friend has returned as well!" The other acolyte said.


"He is no threat to us, he cannot take on our group at once. If he attempts anything at all, the hounds will tear him limb from limb, and we'll use his remaining skin to strengthen them." The Valkar leader said, and they marched north, towards Stalholme.

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Having reached Stalholme, Cruor finds an abandoned home to rest in, and await the arrival of his comrades. It doesn't matter whether or not he can see their arrival, for he's always been able to sense the presence of others....


OOC> Setting this up so I can enter when the time is best, for I'm an assassin

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After two days worth of travel, the Ixionian survivor finally reaches the city of Stalholme, city of Clockwerk. Great stone towers loom overhead, gears sticking out chaotically of the sides.

He reaches the large wooden gates, and the guard atop the tower calls down to him.

"Who are you? One of those savages from the jungle?" The guard shouts down with a thick English accent, pointing his musket down at the survivior.

"No! Wait! I come from the Ixionian city of Thunderflint! I just survived a sacrificial ceremony! You got to listen, the Valkar are tracking me, they should be here within a few days, the entire Alagoi city is destroyed!" He shouted.

"The Valkar eh? Another stranger came up here a few nights ago, said the same thing. Well then, consider yourself fourtunate that the beggar's nest still has a few openin's in it for ya.." The guard said, and then he pulled a lever at his feet.

The pipework around the gate hissed and roared, and the large wooden doors rolled to the side. Inside of the city was a bustling bazaar, mechanical automatons working. Sounds of whistles, cranks, bells, and steam emanated from it.


The Survivor entered the city, hearing the loud cacophony of the gate closing behind him. He decided to go to the nearest inn, the Spinning Cog, and rent a room for the night.

After he had bribed the innkeeper with Crestbeak crystals, he went upstairs to his room, and plopped down on the bed to sleep...

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<ooc since it appears that the signup sheet hasn't been checked for awhile, do you mind if I just drop in?


As the Ixionian slumbered a dark, shadowy figure leapt from the rooftops, reaching the window, he carefully cut the glass with his dagger, using magic to keep the glass from shattering or falling to soon. Then he pushed his hand through the flawless cirlce and undid the latch to the window and, lifting the window, entered the room. He crouched near the head of the bed and held his long, dark dagger to the ixionian's throat. Ever so gently he eased the Ixionian awake so as not to cut him-yet.


"Ello, name's Kriak, assassin. Now, now, now, don't panic, not here to kill you, I here you have a wee bit of a problem..."



RACE-Sarrosian Hellblade (I'll post a pic later so you can see his face)


SUB CLASS-Poisonmaster and master of the ole' one shot/slash one kill trick

BACKSTORY-Born on the Armageddon Isle of Saros, Kriak was trained to be an assassin from birth showing the characteristic blood-red irises and flaming pupils of Sarosian Hellblades. Over the years he has brought empires crumbling down by killing their leaders and heirs, plundered massive castles and killed thousands, how he arrived in this region...

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Cruor, having felt the Ixionian's presence, tracked him down to the Spinning Cog Inn. As he approached the window, he noticed that it was unlatched. Fearing the worst, he drew his blades and crept in to see another assassin with a blade to his associate's throat.


Silently, Cruor sneaks over to the unknown assassin and places both blades across each side of his neck, as to prevent any escape.


"Explain to me what you're doing and why I shouldn't kill you right now"

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Ra'vziir tracks the Valkar all the way to the city, where they make camp in the forest near it.


He sniffs the air and his mouth starts watering at the though of all the succulent human food in there. He hadn't eaten in days and his last meal had been disturbed by the Valkar leader. Hunger drives beasts to do wild things and Ra'vziir burst out of the forest running flat out, he reached the gate, bounded over it and killed the gate-keeper, whom he ate on the spot in two huge bites. Looking around he smelled a Butchery and jumped from rooftop to rooftop towards it.

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