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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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The Ixionian survivor was rudely awoken by an assassin, who held a knife at his throat. But it wasn't long before the other survivor appeared behind the assassin, with two knives at his throat.

"It appears you have a slight problem too." The Ixionian said coldly, magically charging his breath with electricity.

"I thank you much friend, for helping me in this situation, but can we please speak as reasonable men for once, instead of the bloodthirsty assassins that we are?"



Outside the gate, the beast lurked. He bounded over the gate, and killed the guard, who screamed into the cold night air.. His body landed on the Security Drone lever, and toggled the alarms. Somewhere down below, in the bottom of the guard tower, three bells chimed. Five clockwerk machinations awoke from their rusted slumber, and powered on their furnaces. They piled out of the cellar of the tower, bashing through the wooden door. They staggered out into the marketplace on their spindly legs, wildly trying to keep their balance.

They knew a guard had been killed, and the elemental spirits bound to them had to find the one who killed him. They both spilt up, communicating in clicks of static, and went off into the shadows in search of the killer.


Meanwhile, the bells of the clocktower began to ring, loud and clear, sending even more of the automatons out into the night, while everybody slept..

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Another wall stood in Ra'vziirs way, he smashed through it and found the butchery. He pulled down one of the walls and grabbed a few of the meats inside, putting one in his mouth and carrying 3 in one arm. He decided it was time to get out of here.
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"I'm merely attempting to protect your life, Ixionian. When this assassin states his business and the reason he has a knife to your throat, then I'll release him. Until that time, things stay as they are, for we can't have you getting killed. I have a gut feeling that you're the key to this whole ordeal, and as such you need to stay alive. I live by a code of honor. I only kill those who need be killed."


With that statement, Cruor drops one blade and spins the unknown assassin around whilst disarming him.


"Now, tell me why you had a blade to my comrade's throat. My patience is wearing thin."

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Ra'vziir runs into a deadend and is cornered by a strange enemy, rather than risk a confrontation Ra'vziir smashes down the building next to him, climbs over the rubble and keeps running.
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"My business? Ha!" Kriak disappeared for a few seconds and reappeared near the door, and sheathed his blade, which he had recovered."I heard there was a couple of Ixionians being chased by those jungle savages. I'm bored in this town, no hits are standing. Thought I'd offer the unique services only a Sarosian can bring to the table, that little shadow evaporation trick being one of them. Ah yes and there appears to be a beast, Khajiit unless I miss my guess, that is heading this way, seems to be quite strong having killed a guard, and broken down a wall to get into a butchery, so I'm going to leave an offer on the table and we'll speak when you've made up your mind, and I'll know when that is." With that Kriak leapt through the window and disapeared into the night.
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Ra'vziir's keen eyes detect a little man jumping out of a window, he needed sleep and he didn't think he had enough energy to reach the city gates before meeting another foe.

He needed somewhere to hide, but somewhere large that would accommodate his massive body, in the distance he spotted a large clock tower, so he headed towards that.

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The drones, upon hearing a loud crash, scuttled toward the sound. They found their target in an alleyway, just now having smashed the Butcher's wall. They readied their Tesla Cannons, and aimed for the beast, but he climbed up the wall, onto the rooftops. The head drone spoke to it's companions in the crackling language, and they all ran off, while the head drone folded out a large spotlight out of it's left shoulder.

Somewhere the sound of propellers started..


"What in the Thirteen is a Khajiit?" The Ixionian said, "And what is a Sarosian? I know this realm is weak dimension wise, but we've never had anything like those before.."

The "Sarosian" left through the window, his time magic running out on it, causing shards of glass to fall to the street.

The Ixionian turned to Cruor. "Well, he certainly was an odd one, and i'm slightly curious about his offer, since he hadn't explained it. Anyways, I believe some names are in order, mine is Khale Stormstrike, gambit extraordinaire, and exile from Thunderflint Harbour." Khale said.

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Ra'vziir reached the clocktower but couldn't find a way in, neither could he bust his way in. So he climbed to the top and found a ledge large enough for him to lie on. He finished his meal, and content that no enemy could get to him up here, he fell asleep, with one eye open just in case.
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The Security Drones had reached their destination, the warehouse, as their leader ordered. They bashed the door down, and shone their small spotlights in the dark building.

They found what they were looking for, and went over to a large machine. One turned it's arm inside out, revealing a small key, and inserted it into the machine.

The entire warehouse lit up, the hum of motors rotating filled the room. Inside, several drones were in their resting state, but powered up with the facillity. They had helicopter blades on their backs, and enhanced vision than the regular drones. They fired up their propellors, and flew out of the doorway.

They went to the location of the spotlight, to the head drone.

The Head Drone gave them commands in the static language, and they flew off towards the clock tower.


When they arrived, they turned on their own spotlights, and loaded the sniping muskets on their right arms.

They shone the light on the beast, and started to circle it.

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Ra'vziir felt refreshed and energized when the drones woke him up, he set to action immediately and jumped down from the clocktower crushing the house he landed on. With extreme speed he bounded towards the gate house and in a single leap cleared it. he landed outside the gate and ran into the forest.
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