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Is my videocard to bad?


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Hi everyone,

I am a total PC-Specs idiot and do not have a clue at all. So, I have Project ENB Cinematic installed, SKSE and several HD texture mods and a lot of other mods. I just got sick of FPS-drops and used Skyrim Performance Monitor to look, what could be the reason for those.

You can see the performance of just walking around in my playerhome and leaving the house (the drop to 0% GPU), walking in the forest and fast traveling to Dragonsreach and walking down the stairs there. My Specs are visible in the screenshot of the Performance Monitor.


I think my videocard should be enough to handle skyrim and my mods but, as said before, I do not have a clue about PC's.


Could anybody help me and tell me how i could improve the performance or what hardware should be updated.


I would greatly appreciate any form of help i could get from anyone around here.


Thanks a lot already,


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Based on your SPM readout, it's low VRAM issue so your GTX 560 Ti isn't sufficient. You may need a GPU with more VRAM and perhaps better shader unit capability, perhaps in the 600 or 700 series for NVIDIA (something like the GTX 660 Ti or GTX 760, since you already have an older NVIDIA card).

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Okay. I'm not familiar with that performance monitor so I overlooked it. You could use a decent upgrade on the gpu as the video ram is a bit low.

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So, it looks like you are maxing your memory a bit. Your card is actually my "dream," lol, right now I only have a 9800 GT.

I play smoothly with some significant concessions--one is not using ENBs at all, another is using an FPS limiter.

Not knowing all of your settings, my general opinion is that you should be able to have a pretty and smooth game, though you may just need to play around with some settings and mods.




1. AA is a memory-sucking monster. One of the fastest ways to lower memory use is to reduce AA. If you use NVidia Inspector, you can disable the game AA and force AA through the driver. I use 2x AA and SSAA and it is prettier than 4XAA through the game with much less impact.


2. You may need to use a different ENB, or see if you can live without one. Maybe try a different type of lighting mod like RLO.


3. Limiting your FPS will provide a smoother experience; you will not have hurry up-wait.


The Geforce Tweak guide has lots of ideas that might be useful for you.


Of course, if you can afford it, a newer card will give you some more power and memory, but even people with brand new cards run across the game engine limitations.

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It's not just his ENB, but his HD textures and other mods well. Skyrim does not have a VRAM limit, but a RAM limit, which the OP has not yet reached, according to the SPM readout. Limiting his framerate won't help the situation since his GPU is continually being dumped with data every time. You'll get framerate drops and stuttering regardless.


Concerning ENB, just use the performance version of Project ENB instead or try a different ENB, or use ENB-like substitute. ENB is entirely GPU-bound, so you need a good GPU to run it. Adding textures and other mods alongside ENB..... expect to require more VRAM and more GPU horsepower.


Hope this helps.

Edited by ZeroKing
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