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Daedric War [mod idea]


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I've read a lot of complaints about quests in Skyrim (both vanilla and modded) that they don't give players a chance to make significant choices or play other than paladin-type character, so I came up with this mod idea.


Dovahkiin is being drawn in the daedric war for Crossroads - secret paths connecting planes of Olbivion and Nirn (it is not that lore-undfriendly, this concept was used in Battlespire). The powers that kept Crossroads balanced between Oblivion and Nirn are gone and the whole Mundus is on its way to collapse, but daedric princes are fighting for their own goals/ During the quest the player going to choose what side he is gonna team up with:

  • Vaermina, Clavicus Vile and Sheogorath - creating a world of chaos
  • Meridia, Mehrunes Dagon and Boethia - destroying Mundus to build a new world
  • Azura, Molag Bal and Mephala - saving Mundus to become new gods to mortals
  • or fighting for your own and saving the world from daedras (which will be twice as hard since you're fighting with everyone)

The Crossroads is in fact a number of arenas connected by portals. The design of arenas is probably influenced by the closest planes of Oblivion. And because you are not the only one being drawn into the war, you'll meet other characters, fighting for different sides at their will or against it. Some of them will offer services, other will follow you at some point, third - wil attack you on sight. And of course, for daedras mortals are just puppets, so the war for Crossroads is nothing else than a war of lies and betrayal.


I personally just started working with Creation Kit a couple weeks ago and this project will not be in my priorities in the nearest future, so feel free to discuss or use the idea if you are interested.

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