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Respect for Eldergleam - Alternative to using Nettlebane (minor spoile


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It always bothered me that Maurice Jondrelle waited until the LAST ROOT to say something about slashing at the Eldergleam with Nettlebane. Why didn't he speak up when I hit the first root?

So I was wondering, since you have the option of speaking with the worshiper Asta and show her the Nettlebane, why not ask for an alternative way to reach the Eldergleam?

I figure that the alternative would be speaking a prayer or perhaps Maurice could pray and the roots would retreat and open the path (likely all at once). Perhaps an activator for the player to use that triggers the roots retreating.



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  • 2 years later...

That whole thing allus seemed wrong to me ... The Eldergleam would be overjoyed to give up a few drops of sap to help one of it's daughters surely? So why all he fuss? Why do you need some evil weapon to"threaten" the tree for it's sap? It should be an "Elder Chalice" or something else you have to take from the Hag Ravens, some sort of bottle/bowl/container that can hold "living tree essence" (kinda like the White Phial) and thus it can be used to control Spriggans.


And why spawn Spriggans to kill you and/or the peaceful worshipers? Spriggans should be glad that you are repairing the tree in Whiterun. I would think it should actually "add" you to the "Spriggan Faction", making them non-hostile if you complete that quest. ... It just seemed like a poor excuse to add a few "baddies" to a quest stage. It would add much more meaning to the quest and give you more of a reason to do it, than just the occasional comment from a Whiterun guard, or for the aesthetics of not seeing a dead tree.


Maurice could actually be some evil acolyte of some anti-tree faction (probably a Daedric Prince) or some such, wanting the sap for themselves, or a thief who wants to steal and sell the sap but only AFTER you collect it.


Just badly written all round really.

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I'd like to see this mod made, too.


In my first playthough, I was playing as a Bosmer and was very pleased to find a tree-healing quest. Not so pleased to discover it was actually a tree-stabbing quest with no other alternative, plus the added annoyance of my tree-loving Bosmer getting a lecture from Maurice on respecting nature.


Since then, I've pretty much avoided it. Any character I play that's happy to stab the Eldergleam really isn't interested in helping Danica.

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