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Where can i pay of my bounty? I remember a place but not the name of it.. it was a island with a castle and figthers guild has a place in the castle and i think its on the rigth side of the map.

But thats one place i know, say all places you know to help me get there quick :D

- Edit -

And say how to get there : from balmora you go to vivec and then you go to chicago and.. Get it?

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drop all your money before taking the bounty off your head from the balmoras thieves guild guy, it will take it off for free. I Konw in the xbox GoTY this doesn't work, but i am unsure about patched computer version, i think it does.
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If you are a member of the Thieves Guild you can get the bounty removed for half price (or free if you follow hyperks advice) in the Guilds at Sadrith Mora (Dirty Muriel's Corner Club, Rissinia), Ald Ruhn (The Rat in the Pot, Tongue-Toad), Balmora (Southwall Corner Club, Phane Rielle) and Vivec (Simine Fralinie's Bookshop Foreign Quarter Canalworks, Crazy-legs Arantamo).


If not you talk to any guard to pay the full amount but they will take any stolen goods you have and put them in the nearest Evidence Chest. You can avoid this by dropping everything before you talk to them (though you need to keep money to pay or you'll end up in prison).


It is possible to get stuff back by stealing from the Evidence Chest but you are as likely to be caught and fined again!

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I believe if you are in the Imperial Legion and have a high rank, you have free access to the Evidense chests. But I think the stuff dissappears after a certain amout of time. If you're a very good theif, you can just sneak into the chest.
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everyone else - there is a command line to get rid of your bounty - but im not goin to post it here.  Search in spoilers.

I do hope you are not suggesting our forum members resort to CHEATING!!!!!


Evidence chests are usually in the jail areas. As mentioned by Nickleback most of these are in the Imperial Forts - Balmora, Pelagiad etc. A full list may be found on either UESP or UHS websites.

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