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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)


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Original Idea by shadeybladey. i just expand the idea :P


ok, here is in my head

Every single female NPC will have their PMS for a few days each month, they will be more aggressive, more impolite, harder to talk, and sell MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE


if ussually they say

" its a fine day with you arround"


then when they are in PMS mode, they will have the lowest relationship points with you


and what if i have a PMS follower?

they will be more aggressive, and brave

increased stamina

deal more damage

yet their AI will be more reckless (less blocking, keep slashing the enemy without thinking to move or block)


PMS, bringing more realism to SKYRIM



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I guess your not married or haven't been married long! You might note, most women on PMS take out there frustrations/attitude on there SPOUSES, not necessary on some poor unsuspecting slob bandit! I don't think it will work FOR you, rather AGAINST you! You may be much better off just going on a 3 day "adventure" ALONE!

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for AP user:

the npc could say things like this


"i am sorry i cant"

"its the time of the month"

"no i don't want to" (then she started to attack you),


"if its okay for you"

"hmm.. i cant.. unless..."


for the temple:

since its quite low possibility, for women to menstruate exactly the same time with other female, there will be a room designed specially for woman who is having menstruation, a sanctuary for them to pray.

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