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How to get an NPC out of a 'sitting' state?


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I know this is a curly question but...

If somehow the furniture an NPC is 'sitting' on is removed (like deleted/disabled) the animation state becomes confused and all the normal ways of getting the NPC out of that sitting state (such as Dismount, PlayIdle actioninteractionexit) no longer work.


Does anyone know of a function/Package/condition/idle that will get them out of this state?

I don't want to do a 'resetactor' type function as it messes up more than it fixes. Same with Disable+Enable.

A console command would be useful - but I really want to work a fix into my Mod so it works for Survival/Xbox users too.


My issue is if you have companions onboard a Vertibird that 'explodes' they can be left stuck in the air in seated position - immovable.

NPC's cannot 'dismount' a moving Vertibird (game does not allow it for some reason) so this is a common occurance when a Vertibird is 'killed'...

The only ones that do 'exit' seem to be ones 'blown out' (as explosions will 'unseat' an NPC even in a moving Vertibird) - if that gives anyone ideas...


Edit: I have tried the Idle's "FurnitureInitializeToBase", and "ActionIdleStop", and functions "PushActorAway" and "ApplyHavokImpulse" - no luck...



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Thanks for the suggestions but no luck. SetUnconscious and SetMotionType both are acknowleged (you can check they have applied) but they have no effect.

The Sneak and Draw operations do nothing - I suspect because they are just Idles and I have already found no Idles seem to work...

I don't want to move the Actor to unload them because I have found that can cause the reset bug (on Automatrons at least).

Note that my experiments with explosions have suggested this may be a missing animation subgraph issue as it happens reliably on Dogmeat and Automatrons.

It occasionally happens on PA wearing humans too - but that may be due to the kludgy way they are swapped to 'PowerArmorRace" - so could be subgraph related too.

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Appears the only thing that will reliably get them out of this state is Moveto (or fast travel etc). Looks like that will have to do as another 'Bethesda bug workaround'...


Even "NPCid.moveto NPCid" will fix it.

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