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Make a custom NPC follower in game?


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I am had an idea for a mod, but I am not 100% sure it can even be done. I am only a beginner so I am not sure how to do it. I wanted to make a mod where you could create a follower/marriageable NPC in game. I do not have the story behind it yet, but I want it to be simple.


You go to a specific NPC and you pick the race, gender and physical details. Then you pick it's class and his/her name. Then they will be a little generic, but they will look exactly how you want them to, according to the mods you already have in game.



The classes I was considering were:

Citizen: Base stats with an iron dagger, some food and farm clothes.

Ranger: Hunting bow, iron arrows, hunting gear, summon familiar, some stealth, related perks.

Thief: 2 ebony daggers, thieves guild gear, invisibility spell, steal perks.

Warrior: Sword and shield, Steal gear and shield perks.

Armsmen: 2 handed weapon and Steal Plate gear and 2 handed perks.

Paladin: Elven 1 handed hammer and shield, elven gear, healing spells and banishing spells and restoration related perks.

Spell Sword: Glass 1 handed sword, glass gear, summon frost atronach, self-healing, paralysis, muffle, oakflesh, and fireball and relevant perks.

Mage: Robes, destruction spells and destruction perks.

Necromancer: Necro gear, Reverent, ice spells, and related perks.

And so on...


If anyone had any other ideas, I would love to hear it. I am not sure if this is even possible, but if it is, I would love some help with it.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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Do you mean like using the ShowRaceMenu console command, which opens the player creation menu, but for NPC followers instead of the player character? I do not have the skills to do this, but it certainly sounds intriquing. From what I can gather from reading posts from the talented follower modders here on Nexus, the current method of creating followers involves using the buggy Creation Kit or the Skyrim NPC Editor Mod (which appears to be broken for me). Some easy to use in-game method of NPC creation (potential followers) would be quite useful, and an easy way to import pre-set faces created by others would help, as well. I hope some talented modder takes on this challenge and gets it to work!

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