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Fallout 3 Missing Main menu and cursor


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So, I finally decided to try modding Fallout 3 for once and everything seems to be working out in the game. However, when I start it up, the mouse cursor and main menu are missing. I have to ctrl-alt-delete, start task manager, and then get the message that Fallout 3 is not responding then close program. I do have a few major mods such as FWE, MMM, EVE, Fellout, Alton, and WMK. Also, I made sure to put FOIP on there for good measure. I also have all five DLC's. All help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Edited by OldnOObBlues
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This sounds a lot like an out of date Master. Check the mod descriptions of the mods you're using and make sure you're using the correct version of the masters needed.

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