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Default alias on death for multiple aliases


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If you'd like to use the DefaultAliasOnDeath script:


Open your Quest >> Quest Data window >> Check the checkbox "Allow repeated stages". In the stage which is set by the DefaultAliasOnDeath script, add these lines to the script fragment:

If (MyAlias01.GetReference() as Actor).IsDead() == 1 && (MyAlias02.GetReference() as Actor).IsDead() == 1
	; Run these functions
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Not without a logical IF test which the default script does not contain.


The other approach to avoid custom scripting is to put your actors in a ReferenceCollectionAlias and use DefaultCollectionAliasOnDeath script and set the property FALSE (default) = stage is set only when all refs in the collection die. But putting your actors in that collection will probably need a script :/

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So I decided to do the default alias thing on just the one guy, move the second guy outside the door into the world, and call it a day. (He's disappeared, but that's another problem for another day.) Three things were supposed to happen when I killed the first guy and the the stage moved from 20 to 25...


1. Another character was to be enabled (That worked)

2. The quest shows stage 25 (That worked)

3. A new quest starts at stage 5 where I talk to the new character in the room. I clicked on properties created a quest const for the new quest and typed in NewQuestName.SetStage(5) and NewQuestName.SetActive(). Everything compiled fine, but it didn't do anything in game.

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