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Skyre - must have combat mods to go with it?


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Be warned - I like my game to be pretty hard core. These are the mods I use with SkyRe for combat



Locational Damage - Exactly how it sounds. Makes it so all humanoids take damage based on location - no longer hit someone between the eyes with an arrow to only do 1/4th their health in damage!


Duel Combat Realism - Doesn't add very much IMO, but overall it balances combat pretty well with SkyRe and Locational Damage, makes it so most battles only take a few seconds, but any one bandit can kill you if you let your guard down.


Dragon Combat Overhaul - Makes dragons a real pain in the ass, and a lot more varied and unexpected, unlike deadly dragons which basically just spawns more dragons and adds to their stats, without actually adding much to the dragons themselves.


ASIS - Suggested to use with a lot of really good spell mods. This mod gives enemies potions, spells, perks, and more, from any mod you have installed, and makes them use them. It also does a lot more, like spawning more enemies, spawning random enemies (I turned that option off after riverwood got mutilated by a bunch of angry flame atronachs at level 1)


WTF - intelligently randomizes enemy levels. You can enter a bandit camp, and it might be 10 levels lower then you, or 50 levels higher. It never makes anything you have to fight at a low level really high though, like I said, it does this intelligently.


If you use the last two, get SUM, as they are sky proc patches like SkyRe's Reproccer, and SUM runs them all together and makes them play nice. You also have to disable SkyRe Enemy AI while creating the patch, and renable it afterwards, or ASIS does silly things.

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Ok thanks guys


Of the three I am leaning towards


Ultimate Combat


Deadly Combat


Dual Combat


Which one would be best / challenging and plays really nice with Skyre? Also, there are combat mods that hnadle AI and ones who do combat itself right? Little confused on that part.


"I use SkyRe with Deadly Dragons mod and Skyrim Immersive Creatures. They work great and make your play through tougher but more enjoyable. All are completely compatible.

I will try those too!
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I can tell you SkyRe already changes combat AI, so it will likely conflict with any mods that changes the AI. I can also tell you Duel Combat works well with SkyRe, but I have never tried the other two.

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