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possible glitch with tribunal blessings

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i have had this fortify endurace 25 points blessing for OVER 2 IN-GAME months now. It refuses to leave my character, and i am tired of seeing this. What have i done to force it to stay like this? None of my other blessings have ever done this...
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because i 'somehow' had my endurance drained down to 6 (not kidding here...) when it USED to be 125!!!!!!!! and until the blessings go away, i cant restore it to it's full value, and then Reinstate the blessings.


Edit: I want to go away, TEMPORARILY. I had an endurance of 100 when it activated giving me a total of 125 (more from my Zero armor...), and i somehow had it damaged by spells until it was 6 (no, im NOT kidding...) and ended up having to try and restore it. However, i cannot restore back to the full value until the enchantment is gone. My endurance is now 100, but 25 points of that come from the lady's grace blessing, so in reality, my endurance is now 75, and it's not gonna get any higher...

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yes, but that sets the base value at 125, and using that means that my skill will bottom out at 0, whereas with the enchantment on (to ADD to the maximum, but as a bonus which cannot be depleted...) it bottoms out at 25, which means i shouldnt be that badly off again.


Secondly, it's not supposed to stay there, and it means that i do not get the time limit. This might also interfere with other blessings... im kinda afraid to pick up the shrine of bravery blessings again... it might stay forever... (and some cells will get you STUCK if you are levitating... *cough* Balmora mages guild *Cough-cough* *WHeeeezzee*


Finally, it's jsut not 'right'. I dont WANT the blessing to be permanent, as that interferes with the way my character SHOULD be. I get some extra fatigue/power in weapons/whatever. That i shouldnt be getting. I activated the blessing in order to get better HP increases when i leveled up. I didnt want it to stay... now my character is beyond what it should be.


And this blessing isnt SUPPOSED to be permanent... i hadnt even heard of the ironskin blessing... where do you get that?

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um... i only went to mournhold just last night... and ive had the blessing for real-life weeks?


i got the blessing from one of the shrines in the temple in Balmora. (Or ald-ruhn, i forget which now...)


I got the blessing from the shrine called (i think) "Shrine of the Tribunal". It gives you the choices of the normal shrine blessings (cure disease, blight disease, and poison, restore skills etc...) and one of the three tribunal blessings, the one for vivec, almalexia, and sotha sil.

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ummm... did either of you read the first line in the second paragraph of my last post? it was named that because the TEMPLE shrine that it came from was called "Shrine of the TRIBUNAL"


sorry for the misconception... i didnt realize there were special blessings in the Tribunal expansion...


Also, for eviljim: If your blessing on the armor is permanent, you could have the same problem i have! If you're armor skills are kicked down low enough, you will be unable to restore to the full level! (Although with skills it MIGHT let you train them back manually...)


Edit: Sorry for any confusion... it was unintentional... :oops:

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