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Officially Bored with Oblivion


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Been playing on and off since 2008, and it's now reached the point of Nothing Can Make It Interesting. Not companion mods, not overhauls, not new races, not ENBs, not total conversion mods, Nothing makes it fun anymore. I never even finished the main quest, ffs.


Is anyone else in this boat? When did you reach this point? If your interest renewed, what did you do to make it fun again? Skyrim is starting to head that way...but hopefully won't get there. Morrowind is still fun, for now.

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I played Oblivion on Xbox 360 for a bit. I thought it was a bit dull because of how incredibly easy it was compared to Skyrim. Wanna get 10 levels in 3 minutes in Oblivion? Go on a killing spree... even on higher difficulties this was true. Whereas, in Skyrim, If you try to fight an entire city, plus guards, you're going to have a very hard time. I think it's the difficulty of it. There's nothing you can really do, unless you want to get enemy AI mods or higher difficulty mods.

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Usually, it gets boring for me when I run out of things to do.


To find more things to do, I usually go through the quest list at UESP.


Then there's mods...

  • Unique Landscapes seems like just eye candy, but it makes exploring Cyrodiil a completely new experience. It's almost like a new game.
  • I found that if you had to fight tooth and nail for a player home, you get a sense of ownership and end up spending weeks decorating it (Glenvar Castle FTW!).
  • Quest mods by definition give you something to do. The best ones unfold like a gripping story and will change your Oblivion experience forever.
  • Finally, I started modding the game and that kept me busy for years. (If you want to try your hand at modding, there's an easy tutorial that lets you build your own modded house within a day or two. :wink:)
All in all, I think I really got my money's worth for Oblivion. :smile:
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Much like Lanceor it started to get boring for me once I ran out of things to do. Played through maybe three times trying different races, different approaches to certain questlines. Then I picked up the official DLCs...lasted all of a day. Problem was I really loved the game...but all the areas that were lacking became very apparent very quickly. That's when I discovered TES Nexus and all the wonderful mods.


New weapons and armors were tried out first but that wore thin rather quickly. I then tried new villages...most of which I still use..albeit altered to suit my taste now. Then I found Texture packs like Quarls, and the Unique Landscapes series, the CNRP mods by Shingouki and a few other npc altering mods. That combo really revived my interest for quite a while because it all looked brand new again...there was more to explore.


But quest mods and new world spaces were the big ticket items for me. Things like Ruined Tale's Tail, Heart of the Dead, Lost Spires, Gates to Aesgaard, Elsweyr: Anequina just to name a few. Those kinds of mods kept me playing for almost a year. Better Cities made a huge difference as well.


After a while even all that started to wear thin. Then one day I loaded up the CS and started reading some tutorials. Tes Alliance which Lanceor pointed out does have a really good tutoring system by the way. Built a few small mods which were laughable at best looking back....but I had discovered Modding....now that was the ultimate. The ability to mold the game to my own tastes. Villages, farms, settlements of all kinds were my favorites and now I could build them. Arthmoor was kind of my hero for a while because he had all these nifty little villages... and I wanted to make those...and still do..haha. I'm getting there slowly but surely.


Anyway...if you have really gotten to the end of the line playing, try your hand at learning how to mod. It may open up up a whole new world for you. I really haven't played much at all since the creative bug took hold. Get just as much enjoyment from building, tweaking, patching... and then seeing others enjoy what I've done.

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  • 2 months later...

Have u installed fcom complete(you probably have) with all 4 mods ooo,mmm,frans and warcry? If not you should and also install those amazing quest mods that make oblivion atleast 5 times as long. I personally run about 25 quest mods and all of them large. some of them can be found here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/User:Deaths_soul/Recommended_Oblivion_Quest_Mods_List.

Edited by severr
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You should have started playing this game 9 years ago on the oldest, crap strangled PC you could find. Then playing it again on a new PC with dual core processors, oodles of RAM and a 2gb graphics card! It's a completely different animal. I am now seeing textures and fight action that were completely hidden from me on my old PC! Retro come back! For me this is still the best PC game ever made! I think you are just spoilt, no offence!

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