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Help GECK Sniper Rifle Modifications


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Can anyone tell me what I need to do in GECk in order to create a 100% accurate sniper rifle that can actually shoot from one end of the waste to the other for my big game hunting sport(Super muties ect) Basically I cant hit anything more then 100 yards and I have to seem to aim at the chest to hit the head. Can anyone give me any pointers. Yes basically I want a god rifle that can hit anything thats in the sights. I've been working in the GECK quite abit and I just dont know what the values should be. So.. If anyone could help me I'd greatly enjoy it. I love trying to snipe things from the top of TenPenny but like said before, Its hard to actually hit something.
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  • 2 weeks later...

For doing that you need to understand why it fails to hit:


a) bullet goes out in the direction of the barrel, problem is, the barrel isnt actually aligned towards the sight, most if not all weapons are slightly off, to have a better view of the weapon in 1st person camera i assume.

This has to do with the shooting animations, so unless you know how to meddle with ks files, your luck is dry.

After that, there's a second problem with the animation: the recoil. It's not much at short distances but at long ones it is troublesome.


Then, how do bullets hit anything?. Well, there's this wonderful thing called autoaim, which pulls the bullet towards the center of the reticle, or, if there is a foe, to said foe (mostly, it's torso). The autoaim pulls the bullet to a point in the direction you're aiming at a certain long distance. This, however, fails to hit at even longer distances than that point.


So, how do you make snipers hit where they should?

a) you edit the animation to add a slight delay before the recoil

b) make the autoaim aim farther than the designated point

c) change the projectile data of sniper bullets to go farther

d) edit the sniper shader to get a greater zoom

e) change your options to see actors at max distance


Lastly, use the reservist or the victory rifle, crouch, and make sure you have 100 small arms and your arms or head aren't crippled.


Luckily, there are mods already made for all of these, I currently use "noautoaim" (or rather, less autoaim), and sniper aim corrected. There was also an accurate snipers and another one that edited the scope and bullet speeds, tho i did not find any need for those.

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