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Male Only Vanilla Armor Replacer?


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I've been looking and looking and looking but no success. Is there an armor replacer that replaces all vanilla male armor ONLY or at least provides the option to not include female? Something similar to NordWarUA's Vanilla Armor Replacer or Vaultman30's Armor Extended would be great. Or better yet a suggested way I could make either of those mods replace only male armor. I've got a replacer for female armor/clothing that I am really happy with and don't want to change but just can't seem to find one to replace the vanilla male armor that doesn't include something for female also.... Thanks for any help!!

Edited by shanet1382
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Just load your female replacer after your general replacer. I think you can find this logic is helpful for many situations. If for some reason this doesn't work in some cases, then there there are other other possible solutions such as self made patches or edits using SSE Edit.
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Thank you for the reply. I did try this early on in my troubleshooting. For my female replacer I use Remodeled Armor CBBE SE with TBD conversion. Loading it after the general replacer just reverts the male armor back to vanilla, I'm assuming because it relies on vanilla armor. I managed to make things work however. I took the meshes of the male replacer and just placed the loose files in the game Data folder and renamed the file name to that of the corresponding vanilla piece, I then placed the textures in the Data folder in the correct spot as well. It was painstakingly tedious, but I managed to get everything to work that I wanted to for the most part.

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