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Longer Flamer Projectile


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Because I absolutely suck with NifSkope, I haven't been able to figure out how to lengthen a flamer projectile. What I'm looking to do is to create a flamer projectile about four times longer than the vanilla one in two variants, one with regular flames and one with blue flames, the latter for Burnmaster and the Slo-Burn Flamer to indicate they have hotter flames. (It's also for an MZC mod that I'm working on but that's not going to be complete for a while.) Frankly, the vanilla flamer is short-ranged compared to real flamethrowers. The one in-game has a range of maybe ten yards while real flamethrowers had a range of about 40-45 yards. Alternatively, if anybody wants to give me some pointers on how to do that, as well as alter flame color, it'd be appreciated.

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