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"Realistic" mod for Raider children


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After a bit of random browsing in the file archive I came across a mod that puts little evil kids in the Raider faction, and realized how much sense that makes. A "civilization" full of near-feral jerks would naturally have offspring that rival the children of the corn.


The one thing I don't like too much about this mod, though, is that the kids seem to act as boss characters: You don't meet many of them, and they are better armed than all the other Raiders combined. I imagine that the same jerks who spawned these ankle biters from hell would not be generous enough to give their offspring body armor and a minigun. And there should probably be more of the little guys running around, considering the Raiders have... a rather small amount of entertainment options...


So what I propose is a Child Raider mod that encompasses the following:

  • Children are fairly plentiful. There is roughly one child Raider to every four normal Raiders in a camp.
  • Child Raiders have horrible Strength and Endurance, but amazing Perception, Agility, and Luck.
  • Child Raiders are highly skilled in Sneak, Melee, and Unarmed.
  • Clothing for child Raiders are standard Wastelander rags, and other types of equally pitiful outfits. If the child has a weapon, it's of the melee class and nothing exotic.

The end result should be, ideally, a bunch of sneaky little buggers hitting you in the back of the head while you're trying to gun down the adults. More of an annoyance than a threat on their own, but they add more chaos to already hectic battles and warn the adults of your presence if you're not especially careful around them.



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I definitely agree, one shouldn't go "holy [bleep] it's a [bleep]ing girl! get the [bleep] out of here Dogmeat!


that mod just overpowers the kiddies


only 1 thing I'd kinds would have different is that I wouldn't have them highly skilled in unarmed but I agree with the rest of the proposal


I support this mod idea

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It would be hilarious if someone sped up the voice files for the raiders, so they will be high pitched, and apply them to the little raiders in the making!

Although it would be funny as hell to hear high pitched versions of "TEAR HIM APART!" during fights, there wouldn't need to be too much in the way of custom soundfiles for this mod; children already have soundbytes for combat and death. There's even a specific soundclip for the Oasis girl engaging the player in battle. I have no idea why.


But then again, why would you kill children? That's sick!


But then again again, they are raider children.

Pretty much; the general idea I'm going for here is similar to the previously mentioned Children of the Corn. Kids that, due to their upbringing and style of life, are more on-par with tiny serial killers than the little bundles of joy/slight annoyances that standard societies raise. Having to fight them off would be a morally gray but necessary task; like how the player-character as of now takes out Feral Ghouls, Wild Dogs, and the like on a regular basis.

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It would be hilarious if someone sped up the voice files for the raiders, so they will be high pitched, and apply them to the little raiders in the making!

Although it would be funny as hell to hear high pitched versions of "TEAR HIM APART!" during fights, there wouldn't need to be too much in the way of custom soundfiles for this mod; children already have soundbytes for combat and death. There's even a specific soundclip for the Oasis girl engaging the player in battle. I have no idea why.


But then again, why would you kill children? That's sick!


But then again again, they are raider children.

Pretty much; the general idea I'm going for here is similar to the previously mentioned Children of the Corn. Kids that, due to their upbringing and style of life, are more on-par with tiny serial killers than the little bundles of joy/slight annoyances that standard societies raise. Having to fight them off would be a morally gray but necessary task; like how the player-character as of now takes out Feral Ghouls, Wild Dogs, and the like on a regular basis.


Voices can be altered with a program called Audacity it's free!


one thing to consider, if new "child" races are made there is no need to worry about adding a child mortality mod, the game only cares about the base four child races.

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Id personally like to see some kids with Dart Guns, I mean srsly can't you just picture a kid with a dart gun? Its made witha toy car for crying out loud ITS PERFECT! (would also add a bit of a threat to them)
Almost forgot about this one :sweat:


I could imagine little Raiders packing the Dart Gun, but it'd have to be a relatively rare occurence in contrast to the kids with "standard" weapons. An instacripple weapon used against you, instead of the other way around, would probably get real annoying real fast.

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Id personally like to see some kids with Dart Guns, I mean srsly can't you just picture a kid with a dart gun? Its made witha toy car for crying out loud ITS PERFECT! (would also add a bit of a threat to them)
Almost forgot about this one :sweat:


I could imagine little Raiders packing the Dart Gun, but it'd have to be a relatively rare occurence in contrast to the kids with "standard" weapons. An instacripple weapon used against you, instead of the other way around, would probably get real annoying real fast.



it would probably fit if the dart guns the kids got weren't the full-powered standard version, considering I don't really see the adult raiders giving the kids the good parts & ingredients

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