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Whats your beef?


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1. the doorway and hallway problem is just plain annoying


2. getting stuck on/in something and having to reload after you haven't saved in a while


3. levitation. agree with the above post. plus y is it tjat your character will automatically walk up something, stairs for example, but when levitating he won't. I mean if you feet are on the ground you could walk up wether you were levitaing or not right

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After playing Morrowind again for the first time in months, I've discovered a really annoying one: the )(#@)$*)(*)(*)(#@)#)) (continue on for 10 minutes) cell load times and low framerate. No other game even comes close to this. My computer laughs at halflife2 at settings that look much better than Morrowind. My computer runs any game over 6 months old at 1600x1200 full detail, flawless framerate. But not Morrowind. Even at 1024x768 with fairly low view distance and shadows entirely disabled, I get low framerate!


And it only gets worse with the boots of blinding speed and all of Bloodmoon's wilderness travel. It's just such "fun" having the game stop to load a new cell every few seconds.

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I agree with the loading crap, it seemed to have gotten worse the further into the game i got, maybe because i walk faster now, or from all the plugins installed, but the most annoying spot it does it is right in front of Caius Cosades house. Everytime! I think i might just have to edit balmora and move his house over two feet. :angry2:


As far as getting stuck, I always keep something to teleport, so I don't have to reload, but then i have to walk all the back to where i was. :sad2:

I think theres a console command to get unstuck. not really cheating if it's a glitch, but if it's because you were trying to jump over a mountain and fell in between some rocks, you were just asking for it.


Andf i know it would involve a lot more than the original programming, but roped weapons would be cool. like a whip, ball and chain, nunchukas, etc.

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Hey long time to post, I totaly agree with e loading stuff, I had that same problem with loading right on front of Caius Cosades house, EVERY TIME!!!! YARGGG.


Once you become the "god" character and you can walk at a pretty good pace, you end up loading areas like craizy.... hummmm.

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I didn't mind much, but the NPCs in doors and the loading intervals and times are very, very annoying. I don't need the boots of blinding speed; my char has a cheap long lasting 500 pts levitation spell. But even not using that, I end up spending more time watching the little blue bar than I do actually moving.


That, and in Bloodmoon, my char would randomly step on "The Cell-Line of Destruction" and crash the game if she was going more than walking speed when she hit the invisible barrier of doom (Of loading a new cell.)

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I have not heard that Ninjasalad is not a member. He has always seemed a reasonable poster to me. I didn't understand his post about leaving when he made it but people sometimes leave for their own reasons. Unless I've missed something, I'm happy to see he is still around.
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