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User Image Uploading


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I don't understand why there is no help section on the mods site.. or if there is, it's well concealed. Moving on.. I'm trying to upload a couple of screenshot images to the "User Images" section of a mod. I've found the option on how to do that, no thanks to the lack of a help section. First attempt I made didn't include titles, and after few minutes wait I tried again with titles also. Then I tried one at a time instead of as a batch. Still nothing. The images claimed to be uploaded, but they are not listed on the mod images screen or in my User area manage images section either. Given the lack of a help section to explain these things, can some please tell me, are they uploaded and have to be accepted by the mod author as some form of moderation, or is the image upload script being an ass and should be showing them straight away but isn't? Cheers.

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The author of the mod might have the images set to require their approval first before they are shown on the mod gallery.

Is there no way of telling if this is the case to give us a clue before or as a message after submitting them?

Edited by MarcusUK
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To prevent NSFW images from being uploaded to my mods, I have author approval turned on. I believe most mod authors want to approve any image uploaded first so the uploader should always assume approval is on for most mods. While I check my mods every day many authors do not or at later times. Give the author a little time and they should show up.


For myself, I have had to deny many uploaded images simply because they didn't adhere to the guidelines I set on my man page.

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The author of the mod might have the images set to require their approval first before they are shown on the mod gallery.

Is there no way of telling if this is the case to give us a clue before or as a message after submitting them?


Not at present (that I know), though if you load in a picture and do not get an error then that is a pretty good clue. Though this may be a good idea for a future feature.

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Okay, I don't have any objection to mod authors wanting to approve images in their mod space, it makes sense, but it might be prudent of the website developer to have the script relay something like "Your images will appear once approved by this mod's author" following a successful upload, rather that a simple "Your images were uploaded" with no warning, as chances are I have sent this author 3 sets of images, which simply adds confusion to the uploader, the author and wastes bandwidth and file space. I've coded PHP upload scripts myself, in the past, so I know my way around these type of modded-BB websites, but no one is a mind reader and can know everything going on behind the scenes, especially if image moderation is an optional per/author setting, and the lack of a help section, or tips/hints such as (?) hover icons, does make Nexus tricky to navigate for new comers, at times. Also, in cases where authors have abandoned their mod and left image approval on, clearly uploads will never appear and stay "in limbo" on the server, unapproved and unseen, until some script or admin purges them, at the uploader's expense. Something to thing about...

Edited by MarcusUK
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There is a place for suggestions and feedback. Go there and post your idea for consideration where it will be seen.





I doubt we will ever purge mods from the system or change an mod authors desires on their mods, abandoned or no. It is part of the trust we have worked hard to develop with mod authors in that regard.

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I doubt we will ever purge mods from the system or change an mod authors desires on their mods, abandoned or no. It is part of the trust we have worked hard to develop with mod authors in that regard.


Not mods, just user images - if an author has abandoned their mod and users are submitting images which are never getting approved to be seen publicly, eventually they're going to consume a lot of server space, and either need to be purged or mass approved in some fashion. I'm sure you'll understand, unapproved user images which are sitting on the server where the mod author has long left and never likely to approve them serve no purpose whatsoever and waste space. With a site as big as Nexus, and a 2mb allowance per image, a clean-out of unapproved images would certainly make sense from time to time. Or a scripted time limit that auto-deletes such images after X number of weeks or months. Could just be me, but I think of a server like a home PC HDD, and think that a cleaner file system is a better optimised and more efficient system to manage.

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Well I don't know how long those are held. They may be getting purged already, I don't know. That is a question Robin would need to answer. I can't say that we are overrun with them or he'd maybe already been into that one. lol

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