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Radiant power and hand placed workshop objects

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Okay, I have run into a slight dilemma which I can’t seem to resolve. I desire to hand place certain objects which require electric power (radiant power but not wired) via the CK. For example, I would like to hand place objects such as WorkshopStrobeLight01, WorkshopTrafficLight, Workshop_HighTechLightFloor01_Dirty_Cream_On, and WorkshopTrackLighting01 via the CK and have a radiant power source power them. I have placed a modified version of DLC05ConduitCeilingRadiator01 into the mod and sent power to it via invisible wiring using FO4edit. The DLC05ConduitCeilingRadiator01 lights up indicating it is powered; however, none of the objects which are hand placed in close proximity function. If I place similar objects via workshop mode these light/operate fine, suggesting the radiator works fine. Likewise, I can select the CK placed objects in workshop mode and set them back down and they light up/operate perfectly.

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

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Let the player wire up the power radiator.

It will work fine for stuff placed in CK and reflinked to workshop (workshopitemkeyword).


If that's unpossible, try slapping the powerswitch (or some such) keyword on the radiator and then switching it off/on (.SetOpen()). Might add the keyword for blocking player activation as well.

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