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Giving NPC's Mod Items??


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Is there a way in game using the console to give NPC's mod armor. I have a bunch of naked people (love the totally naked mod) running around (RemoveAllItems) and want to have them wear some of the Mod armor and clothing and basically customize the look instead of the same ol boring clothes... (Can you say Chainmail Bikini?) LOL


I tried:


"AddItem XXXXXXXX "1" (with the item codes) And nothing... Is there a console command I can use to dress the NPC's the way I want them?

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"Toastie says share". With that, you can cast a in touch spell on any NPC and swap items like you do with a cupboard.

They have to like you though =)


With the mod, you can also command People around, tell them to "wait here" will make them wander around a bit on the spot. They will talk to other NPCs, which lets you repopulate Areas.

My Temple District is the best guarded in the World :D

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Are you trying to do this in Oblivion or Fallout 3?


There is a mod based on "Toastie says share", Fallout 3, that does much the same thing.


I was unaware, that "Remove All Items" was a console command in Oblivion...

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Yeah actually it's "RemoveAllItems" and Poof they lose everything and stand there either in their skivvies or naked (if you are using the naked mod...one of the few mods I can get to work)...


I have tired several Mods which is supposed to automatically give the NPC's a new wardrobe but none seem to work...and in some cases screw things up... I have installed them like it says but no go... I am talking about Oblivion not any of the other games...


Thanks for the replies...

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