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SkyUI - Error Code 4 [Papyrus Settings]


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I had the skyui error 4 and a MASSIVE lag


I tried nearly everything mentioned here (reinstall, 2 items in inventory only, various skse versions etc. changing the Papyrus ini settings...) deleting skyrim.ini und restarting the game worked1 LOL - so easy in the end :smile:

Edited by raiausderdose
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  • 2 months later...

I just wanted to say on my very first post, that the skyui error code 4 bugged the hell out of me, and honestly was feeling very sad inside. I've tried re installing it over and over, changing the memory allocation crap, running it as the Admin, (didn't try deleting the skyrim.ini or skyrimprefs.ini though) yet what worked was




I had the same problem. Unfortunately all of what is proposed in here didn't work for me.

I fixed it by setting:


bInvalidateOlderFiles =1

Just make sure you have the latest SKSE version and you are fine!

this ^.

Thanks a WHOLE BIG BUNCH OF STUFF@!!!! Now back to playing Skyrim :D

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i know this'll sound stupid but i cant find where those settings are :/ ive looked everywhere but i cant find them,if you could tell me where it is or walk me through it id be so happy.but heres the catch that i think thats dicking with it, i have a cracked version. but i hope it doesnt matter.


It does matter - Pirates are just not welcome here.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same problem. Unfortunately all of what is proposed in here didn't work for me.

I fixed it by setting:


bInvalidateOlderFiles =1

Just make sure you have the latest SKSE version and you are fine!


Oh my! I've been straining my eyes all over the internet... I had this 'papyrus'' error and my MCM just didn't work for some weird reason, tried uninstalled over and over again, reinstalling, every single mod one by one, reading a weeks' worth of troubleshooting pages.. okay maybe i'm exaggerating a little bit.. but thanks!!! Changed the o to 1, started skyrim and wham! MCM added 6 menu's and no more papyrus error!! <3 you! :wub:

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  • 3 months later...

Im not sure if this is relevent to anyone, but something I learnt personally,


IF you have SOS, and sexlab... you WILL get a papyrus error IF sexlab loads before SOS...


as i Said dunno if its relevent to EVERYONE, but it may help some people

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  • 11 months later...

Alright something else that ive rescently come across ive spent the last 4 days with this same error of Papryus issues, ive tried everything possible within this forum tweaking the ini, both in the documents and the Skyrim main folder, none of it worked, ive tried scripts, ive tried pex files you name it i probably tried it, for 4 days... spending from about 5pm to 9am and im here to tell you that sometimes it has nothing to do with the skse,SKYUI,or Papryus if you are still having this issue check your Skyrim Data folder, double check ( i know sounds stupid) but check and see if you have a Skypref, or SkyIni file within your Data file if you do DELETE THEM this was the cause of my problem and its something so simple that i can guarentee not many will check it, if its not there no idea lol

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