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So many huge "New Lands" mods to look forward to but...


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Okay. So this has been something I've been pondering for a while and I've just now sort of finalized the thought in my head. For those of you who watch GophersVids you'll know that there's been a new series on his channel called "Looking forward to:" Please keep in mind that I'm just using this as an example. Anyways the point is I've been seeing so many things about some of these massive mods that are in development that involve new lands and content for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Well from my knowledge most of those are how I should say... original? As in they don't involve TES Lore. I mean there is Falskaar which is entirely lore friendly accept for the fact that it's never been spoken of in any TES related content before. Unless I missed that detail somewhere. I'm just a little down about it. We have these large and talented developers and actors working on these huge mods but they don't truly feel a part of the game- or no; series.

That just really bugs me. However, do not misinterpret me. I give these people my full support. But to me it doesn't really make sense to create these intensive new lands that add loads of new and original content when I can't even go to High Rock! Or Cyrodiil! Or Black Marsh etc. And I do know of mods that are indev like "Shadows of Dragonstar" and "Shadows of Morrowind". But why aren't they being hyped about as much? I find it a little discerning that no one (at least that I know of) is working on adding all of Tamriel to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It just bugs me. I know many will disagree but I want someone to consider this.

And I won't get edgy on you and start talking about artists and their work either.


TL;DR - I'm upset that people teams of developers aren't working on creating other new lands mods that add the other provinces of Tamriel into TES V: Skyrim.


Also I know of Skywind and Sky/Morroblivion. But those are REMAKES. Not necessarily new content.

Because when I said earlier about adding the other provinces I meant in a modern 4th Era Setting.


You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to like me/this. I just want you to consider it and (objectively and respectfully) discuss your thoughts on this.




Mods that I talked about/should have talked about:

"Shadows of Morrowind"

"Shadows of Dragonstar"

"Orsinium Reborn" - This has been on the Workshop for a while, was uploaded to Nexus only recently


(I would put the Elsweyr mod here but that was totally abandoned)

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Uhm, Beyond Skyrim is exactly what you are looking for. :wink:

A large collaboration to make Tamriel as it should(/could) look in the 4th era.

THIS IS LIES! Why was I never told about this!?


Okay after taking a look at this I'm not too convinced yet. I mean it doesn't seem to me that many things are truly indev. However.... I did only look at the High Rock mod, and browsed the wiki...

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I'm part of the team, and I can promise you that it is definitely in development. Especially Cyrodiil, Morrowind, High Rock and Hammerfell - those are the prioritized projects now.

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I think the reason why the hype is less about Beyond Skyrim (and other similar projects) is because it feels very distant. Close yet far, you know what I mean? While I'm EXTREMELY excited about this mod, I know it's going to be an awful long wait before it's done, and therefore I turn my attention to other mods in the meanwhile, but it doesn't mean I've forgotten about it.

Edited by Halendia
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We have these large and talented developers and actors working on these huge mods but they don't truly feel a part of the game- or no; series.


But to me it doesn't really make sense to create these intensive new lands that add loads of new and original content when I can't even go to High Rock! Or Cyrodiil! Or Black Marsh etc.


I find it a little discerning that no one (at least that I know of) is working on adding all of Tamriel to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It just bugs me. I know many will disagree but I want someone to consider this.


TL;DR - I'm upset that people teams of developers aren't working on creating other new lands mods that add the other provinces of Tamriel into TES V: Skyrim.


You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to like me/this. I just want you to consider it and (objectively and respectfully) discuss your thoughts on this.


Ok. My thoughts.


These mods aren't about you or your wants. I feel falskaar is right at home, that is an opinion.


A content creator is going to make what they desire to create.


Expressing something you think would be a good addition to skyrim is fine and I'd encourage it.


Being disappointed in what content creators are working on and have made is not. Just because they haven't made what you want doesn't mean the community should be concerned about the direction of recent content.


This isn't a company with some set of prioritized features to develop. Your arguments suggest that making the rest of tamriel should a priority for modders. But that is your opinion. And you shouldn't pseudo shame developers for going their own direction, lore friendly or not.


If the entire team creating beyond skyrim decided tommorow that they wanted to make a sci fi mass effect expansion instead it is their right to do so. It may not fit into many people's idea of skyrim but nothing should stop them from doing what they want. Granted it would be in anyone's right to be disappointed beyond skyrim was abandoned but it isn't anyone's business to question the direction of modding.


Because if a content creator is trying to force themselves to do something they don't want and there isn't any incentive like payment...


Its just not going to get done.

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Dunaduan (which I intend to dig up again after Upcoming Surprise Project) is set at the North Pole. No, it's not in the lore, because the lore doesn't talk about the North Pole. The thing with remaking existing lands from the lore is that they have to look exactly the same. Instead of building a world, you now get to measure distances in the Oblivion CK. Wheeee.

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@EnaiSiaion Well, I don't think they should look exactly the same. I would like it as long as you respect most major lore facts. E.g. look at Neverwinter city from NWN, NWN2, all the add'ons and Neverwinter game. In every game/addon it looks different, but still lore friendly with all its districts, important buildings, etc.

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We have these large and talented developers and actors working on these huge mods but they don't truly feel a part of the game- or no; series.


But to me it doesn't really make sense to create these intensive new lands that add loads of new and original content when I can't even go to High Rock! Or Cyrodiil! Or Black Marsh etc.


I find it a little discerning that no one (at least that I know of) is working on adding all of Tamriel to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It just bugs me. I know many will disagree but I want someone to consider this.


TL;DR - I'm upset that people teams of developers aren't working on creating other new lands mods that add the other provinces of Tamriel into TES V: Skyrim.


You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to like me/this. I just want you to consider it and (objectively and respectfully) discuss your thoughts on this.


Ok. My thoughts.


These mods aren't about you or your wants. I feel falskaar is right at home, that is an opinion.


A content creator is going to make what they desire to create.


Expressing something you think would be a good addition to skyrim is fine and I'd encourage it.


Being disappointed in what content creators are working on and have made is not. Just because they haven't made what you want doesn't mean the community should be concerned about the direction of recent content.


This isn't a company with some set of prioritized features to develop. Your arguments suggest that making the rest of tamriel should a priority for modders. But that is your opinion. And you shouldn't pseudo shame developers for going their own direction, lore friendly or not.


If the entire team creating beyond skyrim decided tommorow that they wanted to make a sci fi mass effect expansion instead it is their right to do so. It may not fit into many people's idea of skyrim but nothing should stop them from doing what they want. Granted it would be in anyone's right to be disappointed beyond skyrim was abandoned but it isn't anyone's business to question the direction of modding.


Because if a content creator is trying to force themselves to do something they don't want and there isn't any incentive like payment...


Its just not going to get done.


Okay, you may have misinterpreted me. One, there is no such thing as right or wrong. Two, I am fully aware and supportive of authors creating their own content to the game. I never said they didn't have the right to do/not do something. This is definitely not an objective argument so I didn't mean for it to come off that way. It's just my opinion that those should be labeled as "priorities". But in no way does that doesn't make it true.

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I'm part of the team, and I can promise you that it is definitely in development. Especially Cyrodiil, Morrowind, High Rock and Hammerfell - those are the prioritized projects now.

Oh wow. You don't know how badly I wanted to hear that. Thank you (:teary eyes:)



I think the reason why the hype is less about Beyond Skyrim (and other similar projects) is because it feels very distant. Close yet far, you know what I mean? While I'm EXTREMELY excited about this mod, I know it's going to be an awful long wait before it's done, and therefore I turn my attention to other mods in the meanwhile, but it doesn't mean I've forgotten about it.

Ah yes that makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing this.

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