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Editing GDA Ability ID's


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I have two modules (Weapon and Shield Abilities for Arcane Warriors) by rebel 5555 and (Stamina Potion Mod) by DangerousFat that I have been trying to use but their GDA Ability ID's conflict with each other. The (Weapon and Shield Abilities for Arcane Warriors) uses GDA Ability ID's 300000-300047 and the (Stamina Potion Mod) uses GDA Ability ID's 300000-300003. I have tried setting the (Stamina Potion Mod) GDA Ability ID's to use 300050 to 300053 with some improvement. There is also four UTI files within the override version of this mod that I had to update to the new ID's. The mods no longer conflict. (Weapon and Shield Abilities for Arcane Warriors) now works.

The potions and the Herbalism recipes are present in Bohdan's store upon arrival to the camp. The player character can buy the potions and recipes and have them present in their inventory and herbalism recipes with the appropriate requirements. Usable by warrior or rogue only. The herbalism recipe's have the correct requirements for each of the four recipes (Flask, Deep Mushrooms, Distillation Agent, Concentrator Agent, Skill, etc). My mage can succesfully create new stamina potions. When using a stamina potion the animation is present. Everything looks right in the GUI but the potions have no effect on a party members stamina level.

Any help on this problem would be appreciated.

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