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Help Ziomster04 Thread


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Well, I noticed I have many questions related to the GECK lately, and I'd hate to just keep on creating new topics that take up space and most of the people probably won't read, so I've decided to create this one with hope that people will actually read this. I hope no one minds this thread, and that it bothers no one at all =)


EDIT (March 20, 2009):

About the mod I am currently creating:

Name: House for Rich Bastards (current title, will probably change lol)

Description: A Polish person [lore](note sure the class yet)(also not sure the last name, might just use mine :biggrin: ) had undertaken a multi-million dollar project in order to build himself an underground fallout shelter, one in which a few people were meant to live. Always fearing the nuclear apocalypse, he had prepared himself for the worst: the inevitable Nuclear War. Now, in 2077, only a few of the Wasteland's inhabitants know about this.

Background: I've created a little shelter while learning with the GECK. In it, I placed lights that could be turned off with terminals, as well as doors that could be locked/unlocked in the same way. Lights looked nice, and so did the caves. However, after finishing it, I was unhappy with the size. I made it AT LEAST 5x larger, with two floors! NOW I believe it might be too big, but that's where the value comes in. Getting this house will take killing a few monsters, undertaking a nice storyline quest, and AT LEAST 1000 caps.

Pictures: Now's not the right time ;D


If anyone has any questions or suggestions, shoot!


People I will mention in my credits (mostly for self-reference, but those who are curious are welcome to read too :))

- cscottydont

- Pax1138

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My first question is this: I wanted to create a light switch, and this is what I've found so far:


ScriptName LightSwitchScript

ref light

Begin OnActivate
if light == 0
	set light to GetLinkedRef

if light.GetDisabled


Well, according to that, I could only turn on one light with one terminal. What I'm looking for is a script that will allow me to use just ONE terminal (sub-terminal in the actual computer) in order to turn on about 10 different lights in two rooms with the click of the "ON" text, and turning all of them off with the click of the "OFF" text on the terminal. I think exact light id's could be used.


The problem is, I do not know a script that could do such a thing, yet I believe it is possible to create such. I was trying to work with the above mentioned script, but I do not know if it is possible to set all of the lights into a single variable, and also treat all of them at the same time. In other words, I'm horrible with scripting, yet I need to use it.


Does anyone have any ideas? ALL help is REALLY appreciated.


Thanks again!



EDIT: Also, does anyone know where I could possibly find a Scripting Tutorial? I've searched on both google and this forum, yet I didn't find anything of use lol....

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You should be able to give each of the lights a reference name (given to it by double clicking on it in the preview window, and then filling in the form at the top). So, for example, double click on a light call it "light01REF" or somesuch (bethesda always puts "REF" at the end; good for keeping track of what's what, I suppose). Then, in the result box of your terminal line, you can just list the lights like so:







...and you get the idea. There's no linking references, it can alter any number of lights, and can be run from any number of terminals.


Unless I'm horribly wrong somehow, as I haven't actually tried it, but I don't know any reason why it wouldn't work.


EDIT: also, I usually traverse to the GECKwiki to look at what scripting words do what. Between that and looking at various examples of in-game stuff in the GECK, that's really the best way to learn. Find an example of what you want to do in the game, then go dig it apart in the GECK and figure out how it works.



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Thank you, this really helped! I wonder why hadn't I thought of the reference ID's previously though lol. Adding you to the credits section once the mod is released :)
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Two things:

1.) Read the first post of the thread :)

2.) I ran into another issue. Does anyone know, how (if possible), through scripting, I could possibly change the emittance (internal in my case) from VaultWhite512 to NONE, and vice versa?

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, sorry for resurrecting an old thread. BUT it's better than starting a new one for the same purpose, eh?


I have ran into a problem while trying to create a separate Combat Helmet (whether using custom textures/model, or the same one as Fallout 3 provides, same problem!). Any copy/new Combat Helmet I make in the game appeard to be placed VERTICALLY on the left shoulder of the character, like so:





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