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Fewer Pods in Impossible Mode


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Hi everyone, I have played a lot of XCom by now, both with and without mods. I reached a point where classic ironman felt easy, but impossible ironman is punishing. I've made it into the fourth month, but sometimes you'll be playing and have 10 floaters coming at you when you have nothing but a light post for cover and even if this doesn't happen, it can sometimes take hours to creep through the map and complete a mission.


Since I like for the aliens to be strong and smart, instead of dying in one hit most of the time, I generally like impossible mode. But I really wish that there were fewer alien pods per map. Ideally I think there should only be 2-4 pods per map depending upon the map size. I've never liked how long it takes to clear out a battleship or supply ship either because while it's usually not difficult, it can take a lot of time.


Has anyone done this or know how to do it?


Thanks :geek:

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