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I found my issue was with a nif object and I will have to fix this. For now I will just be working around not using it until I learn how to fix it in blender.


Thanks for the help!



I Have been working on making a mod that overhauls the wasteland and as a result I have edited and added interiors in the GECK.


My problem is whenever I enter the Sloan mess hall interior cell in-game, I get what looks to be the world box stretching all over the place. It's either the color of the worldbox, black, brown or with nevada skies off, a bright cream color Only in this Specific interior. Up until now I have had no issues with my edited interiors, with all of them working perfectly in-game except for the Sloan mess hall.


I Have tested this interior with all other mods disabled and still have this issue and use no ENB.



https://imgur.com/a/Ao7lZ3t Example 1.


https://imgur.com/a/d2BWyyv Example 2.


Hopefully some one knows what this is.


I should add that whenever I selected all objects and move them in the GECK even in a fresh save I get severe lag when entering the interior in-game and all of the objects are on top of eachother/combined when they aren't like that in the GECK.

Edited by oipalaye
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It would be that since I set the Z really high to see if it fixed my problem with the stretching lines going all over the place but it didn't. Luckily I had a back-up esp.


Still don't know what it is that could be causing these seams, if no one else knows I'll probably just have to create a new cell and try to connect all the Sloan resident's AI packages and scripts up to the new one, will cause conflicts with any mods adding NPCs that populate the Mess Hall though...

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My first thought was the same as blove's, that something is exceeding the X, Y, or Z limits of the cell. You might try clicking on each item in the cell view pane to see if something got placed somewhere you weren't expecting it to be.


My second thought is a problem with one of your nifs. Maybe try disabling things in your interior to see if the problem goes away. You can disable half at a time, then whichever half has the problem you can disable half of those, etc. to narrow it down fairly quickly.

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I selected all objects from the mess hall and copy, pasted them into another cell and the crazy lines appeared there as well when entering the cell in-game. Just need to find the problem NIF...


Hopefully I'll be able to report back to everyone with news of my success in finding it!



Well, I found my problem, it was the sandcrete windows. When I disabled all 3 of them the lines disappeared each time.


Would this be a texture issue or a mesh issue? I'd like to use them but if it's not easily fixable I guess I will just have to work around not having those windows.



Thanks for the help solving this really annoying problem!

Edited by oipalaye
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It's a mesh problem.


Do you have experience with Blender or some other 3d modeling tool with nifs? I personally would load up the mesh in Blender and look for anything weird. If nothing looked out of place then I'd just export the nif again and see if that fixed it.

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I have VERY limited knowledge on blender or any 3D software for that matter.


I do have Blender and have played around with it before. I did try to get the correct version that allows importing/exporting of nifs in the Fallout 3-NV format once but it required a password to access.



I'll most likely get around to trying to fix these meshes by following some tutorials and finding another link to the correct version and addon but I really would have no idea what to look for in regards to how to fix it.


Could these lines be related to shadows being incorrect etc.?


Do you think the issue could be resolved within Nifskope?

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The correct version of Blender with all the tools is here:



Make sure you follow the instructions to install it.


Once you get it installed, import the nif, and if it looks ok export it again.


When exporting, click on Fallout 3 (lower left), under Collision Options (top, center) click Static, directly under that click Stone, then to the right under Shader Options make sure Use BSFadeNodeRoot is selected.


Nifskope probably won't help you.

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