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Creation Kit - Red Forehead on NPC (Please Help!)


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Are you running ENB by any chance?

No, just Enhanced Character Edit and some other mesh and texture enhancers. I've managed to get everything working properly now with the face. I actually had to design from scratch in Creation Kit. Never could get the SPF and Nose 32 trick to work for some reason. My character is Nord, but turned into an Elf. Lol! :laugh: Anyway, it doesn't look as good as my game save, but will have to do. Now, I just need to get my body working. It shows standard UNP at the moment, but I'm trying to re-texture that. I really am excited about sharing a new Mod and hope I can do it! Wish me luck.

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  • 7 months later...

I also have this problem and absolutely NONE OF THE ABOVE worked for me at all.


Finally I had it, and now I simply do this:




There, change all DDS and TGA files manually. They all had a red block at the top and I simply copied the bottom area all the way to the top, overwrite file, and presto, it worked.

Edited by timstertimster
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Forget my earlier post there is a better simpler way. Simply temporarily remove your tintmasks folder from textures/actors/character/character assets/ tinmasks to the desktop. Open your file then save and export the facegen data. Be sure to replace the tintmasks folder afterward.


This is the only thing that worked for the "red forehead" bugg......Save this to a text file (like I did!).


But I didn't move the folder, I just flat-out deleted it.


ADD to it: Make sure each of your NPC's have upper eye socket & lower eye socket in character gen parts in CK set to "color average" when you hit ctrl F4. You can change it back after F4 is done.





Edited by VonHelton
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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to necro this thread but it seriously saved my bacon. I was ready to give up on my follower but after doing the tintmask method it worked.


Heres how i fixed the red/purple forehead and warpaint problem with my follower that i imported as an npc file created in racemenu.


Just go to your character assets folder and remove the tintmask folder to your desktop.


Open the creation kit and load your skyrim.esm and your follower.esp making sure your follower is set to active


Find and open your follower and import your npc file and edit your character.


Click ok and then save your esp


Click ctrl F4 to export your facegen


Put your tintmask folder back into character assets


after that your character shouldnt have the warpaint or red/purple head.


Also if you have the warpaints on your character or scars just click on the DDS file in the left column while you're editing your character and set their color to "ColorAverage".


Good luck everyone dont give up on making your custom follower this sh*t has taken me three days to figure out because of all the incorrect information out there. This is the guaranteed way to get your custom follower up and running.

Edited by bonewax
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