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Is there a gore mod or can someone make one?


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Not a mod as in so there is no gore but a mod that makes it better. Something like if you use the bloody mess perk you can make some of their body explode into chunks and the other part stay intact if you know what I mean. Or something that can add more gore pars so you can cut someone down the middle and slice then in half or horizontally and cut their legs off. Then their guts will be hanging out. I think that would be cool. Is there a mod like that? Or would it be to hard to make or something? But there were gore mods for oblivion.






P.S. is there a spell checker? I'm sure I spelled something wrong.

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Although there are mods to change the frequency and intensity of the gore, there are no mods that add new gore or dismemberment options.


This would be an interesting avenue though :)

Im interested



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Not a mod as in so there is no gore but a mod that makes it better. Something like if you use the bloody mess perk you can make some of their body explode into chunks and the other part stay intact if you know what I mean. Or something that can add more gore parts so you can cut someone down the middle and slice then in half or horizontally and cut their legs off. Then their guts will be hanging out. I think that would be cool. Is there a mod like that? Or would it be to hard to make or something? But there were gore mods for oblivion.






P.S. is there a spell checker? I'm sure I spelled something wrong.


Spell checker complete, found 1 error (highlighted).


There's no mod like this yet.


What I can tell you is that it'd be quite a bit of work to see it done properly. Currently, dismemberment is achieved by having pre-broken models. So all you'd have to do is add more breaks to all the models, use something like FOSE to determine when they should be used, and stock up on Rippers.


Honestly I don't know why they left out the waist as a dismemberment point. Torsos are always in one piece, how weird is that?

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What about MORE blood and gore when you shoot someone?

Because the amount of blood when you shoot someone's head off is sadly lacking. If they were leaning against a wall, the blood should be all over the wall, not just a little spot.

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What about MORE blood and gore when you shoot someone?

Because the amount of blood when you shoot someone's head off is sadly lacking. If they were leaning against a wall, the blood should be all over the wall, not just a little spot.



There is a mod for blood but it does not add gore http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=101 . But it would be really nice is someone added more areas of the body to get knocked off.

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While i wouldn't say no to more gore in the game. What i find strange is walking into areas of 'mass carnage' eg Super mutant bases/outposts, aside from a few corpses and bags of meat such places are surprisingly clean.....
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Unfortunately, the maximum number of body part "groups" that can be dismembered in any BodyPartData is 7. This is because body parts are dismembered according to their corresponding AV, and there are seven AVs which a body part can be associated with:

- BrainCondition

- EnduranceCondition

- LeftAttackCondition

- LeftMobilityCondition

- PerceptionCondition

- RightAttackCondition

- RightMobilityCondition


Even if models are created that can allow for Actors to be dismembered from the waist down, this limit of 7 groups of body parts will still apply.



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