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Cant load anymore


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i just started Oblivion a few days ago, used alot of mods and everything was fine.

I played for 10 hours without any problems at all.

But todayi jsut came back from work and i cant load my save.

If i click on continue the game CTD after the loading screen.

If i try to load an older save file it does the same.

I have changed nothing. Everything is like is was yesterday.


Can someone give me some advise how to fix this?



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Can you start a new game? If so, the problem is with the save.


To avoid having savegame issues, never use autosaves, quicksaves, or the continue button. Never overwrite existing saves. And if you have to reload a save, quit all the way to desktop.

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I can create a new game just fine.

But i dont want to start from the beginning.

Is there a way to fix this problem ?


I mean i worked fine just yesterday and i havent played since then.

It just does not makes sense.




If i start a new game first so the game can load all the mods and then load my save it is working.

I saved at a very busy place and maybe the game cant handle to load the enviroment and my mods all at once.

I hope it will work for now.

Edited by S4L
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Wrye Bash has some savegame tools, like the a-bomb animation fix and bloat remover, but those are problems that usually occur much later in the game. Probably won't help you.


If you have been doing the things I mention above, that is most likely the problem. Afaik, there is no way to salvage the save.


Thank Beth for a buggy save system.


Always make new saves, and clean out the old ones once in a while.

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i dont think your save file will work on my oblivion as i use over 170 mods.

Im have a game time of 12 hours which took me about a week. I cant play that much =/.




To avoid having savegame issues, never use autosaves, quicksaves, or the continue button. Never overwrite existing saves. And if you have to reload a save, quit all the way to desktop.


How do i disable autosave and autosave after combat?

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You can disable autosaving in the .ini file (documents/mygames/oblivion), and I think also from the vanilla launcher.


The save I linked to is not my own, it is vanilla, and it will absolutely work for you. It will still give you a chance to create your character, too.


Autosave after combat sounds like Streamline, streamsaves are safe to use. But if you want to disable them, use the Streamline .ini (oblivion/data/streamline) or the ingame menu (ctrl-home, I think).

Edited by eric31415
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i just changed the oblivion ini via TweakOblivion and autosave etc. is gone.

Everything is woring normal again.

I think, i quicksaved just at the wrong momemt. I cant redo this error.

And i dont know how i did it.

Im just happy that i can continue my epic journey


Thanks alot for your attention

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