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The Empire of Calradia - A Mount&Blade RP


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OK, folks, I added another screenshot of the map to the first post under the spoiler tags...this one shows our group's holdings in grey. Hope this helps. :)

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Name: Danda of Tismirr

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Physical Description: Though not of great stature, standing at 5'9, Danda should never be taken lightly by his opponent. His face is where many should look to see just what they are facing, as his large black eyes, powerful squared jaw, deeply tanned and rugged skin, along with the perpetually serene look on his face even in the midst of a battle gives the impression that he may have just been born to kill.

Nation of Origin: Khergit

Fighting Style: Predominantly horseback archery, though he does have a fine amount of skill in the use of one handed weapons. When he does use a melee weapon he eschews the use of a shield, preferring to parry and punch his opponent, though this obviously makes it difficult to take on multiple enemies without risking injury.

Equipment and Clothing: A red khergit lamellar vest, nomad boots, and a helmet with lamellar guard. He owns a black courser he grew up with, a heavy recurve bow he keeps in a bow sheathe attached to his saddle, bodkin arrows also kept attached to his saddle, and a sabre he keeps at his side.

Background: Raised on the border of Khergit and Vaegir territory in Tismirr, Danda lived a harsh life in the snow not accustomed to the people of the steppes. Disputes with the Vaegirs in the north were not uncommon, and his early life was rife with strife. Quite early in his pubescent years Tismirr was razed to the ground by a Vaegir warparty attempting to overtake the pass of Sungetche Castle. The attack failed, but nonetheless Danda was forced to abandon his home and begin a vagrant life. Very early on he was introduced into an unsavory lifestyle in the form of a bandit party. He made his way 'up' the hierarchy with his quick wit, powerful logic, and combat skills until he himself led his very own band of roving bloodthirsty marauders. Still, he longed for a home to call his own and an end to all the meaningless violence.

Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Fed up with his unlawful lifestyle, Danda sought a purpose and a home, and found it in the Rebel Kingdom.

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