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Need Khajiit level 20+ character (please read)


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Hello fellow warriors,


I am unsure if my request has been asked or if it is placed in the right section, either way my apologizes.


I am a devoted Oblivion player who, unfortunately, experienced what no other player should.....a complete PS3 crash that rendered any hope of a salvageable backup an impossibility. Sony replaced my PS3 with a refurbished unit and subsequently erased all data including my beloved and highly developed Khajiit level 23+ character. I had completed, most notebly, the Shivering Isles, the Gates of Oblivion and various other quests. The thought of starting over is so VERY VERY painful :wallbash: that I am asking for anyones help that can so kindly extend to me a Khajiit character of similar achievements and level.


Any help would be most welcomed and appreciated! :thumbsup:



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Can't help you with a character but here's a couple of suggestions. CDM character generation overhaul ( http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=4320 ) will allow you to create a character and start off at several options for higher levels. You could give that a try. Also, there's a package that includes quite a few characters for testing purposes. The mod states that they've all been leveled up through normal gameplay and are not dependent on any mods. There's quite a few characters including a level 30 khajit.




Hope this helps.



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Its easy to create a new character at nvl 23, start the game as a khjiit and use this console command before you decide your birthsing and class:

player.setlevel 23

then choose your birth sing and class and your skills will be the skills of a 23 nlv khajiit

to recover the SI quests, oblivion gates and so on ... I think you cant

you´ll have to begin again

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Thanks Doug and Fabulance.


Doug, I am on a PS3. Does this make a difference? Or do the tools you suggested work on the PS3? If so do you have a link for a step by step to install and use?


Fabulance, as I mentioned earlier I am on a PS3 so how would that console command work? I have never entered any commands before so I am unaware of the steps.


Thanks again for all your help!

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Sorry friend, but most of the mods, you will hear us referring to, will not run on the PlayStation 3. And to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to port them over to that platform. I'm also quite certain that the console and console commands only work in the PC version.


Good Luck, Happy Gaming

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That is what I was afraid of. Thanks for the info.


So I guess I go to my original question....if anyone has a level 20+ Khajiit PS3 character developped....would they be so nice as to send me a saved copy.


If not...back to the drawing board!

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