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Oblivion Crashes When Saving Settings


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Hi. Alright, so I got Oblivion yesterday, and discovered my computer is no where near able to handle the game at decent FPS. I can tolerate some crappy FPS, but to try and improve it I installed the Oldblivion mod and got everything setup for it.


After a bit of playing, I realized that the view distance was on far. I then went into the settings and turned down/off anything that had to do with far view distances, but when I tried to save the settings, the game freezes and then crashes. Anyone have a solution for this? Or some tips to what I should do to turn it off manually via the Oblivion.ini?

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Here's a link to Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. There's a section on tweaking Oblivion.ini (make sure you edit the one found in your 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' folder and not the one named Oblivion_default.ini found in your game install folder). Make a backup of your Oblivion.ini beforehand of course.

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Here's a link to Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. There's a section on tweaking Oblivion.ini (make sure you edit the one found in your 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' folder and not the one named Oblivion_default.ini found in your game install folder). Make a backup of your Oblivion.ini beforehand of course.

Reading through it, I didn't find anything about decreasing the view distance. Am I missing something?

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On further examination of the guide I agree that there isn't an ini tweak specific to view distance. In the Cell Visibility/Loading Variables section on page nine there are some ini variables that you should confirm are at the default minimum (the value given in italics). I'd also suggest the Tree and Grass Variables section on the next page should be set to minimum values.


Looking through my own Oblivion.ini I see a number of variables that could be related to view distance, but nothing obvious as a single 'master' variable for view distance.


When you're trying to make adjustments to the view distance slider are you making an adjustment to that one slider and then exiting or making a number of adjustments to different sliders and then exiting?

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