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Bleach Spell Package! Make this happen!


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So I had a great idea for any modders out there: Make a spell package that features the various kido and bankai powers in the anime Bleach.

My idea would include such favorites as:
Hado #31, Shakkaho - Hurls a red ball that explodes on contact, dealing fire damage.
Bakudo #61, Rikujokoro - Also known as "six rod light prison," this would force your enemy to stand still, binding them in six bars of light (look it up for visuals).
Hado #4, Byakurai - Simply a concentrated lightning bolt, which deals electrical damage.
Bakudo #9, Geki - Target glows red, and is completely paralyzed.
Hado #58, Tenran - Creates a whirlwind, blowing back anything and anyone in front of you.

Hado #75, Soren Sokatsui - Hurls two blue balls, which explode on contact, causing frost damage.

Hado #90,Kurohitsugi - Traps the target in a large black box, which gets pierced by spears. It all disappears, and the enemy spouts blood and is dead.


Most bankai are most suited to be in a weapon pack, but here are two which would make great spells:

Kokujo Tengen Myo'o - Summons the giant demon-like samurai to fight for you.

Suzumushi Tsuishiki - Summons a dark prison, in which yourself and enemies within the aoe are trapped. Enemies caught in the spell cannot move.

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