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The Paarthurnax dilemma


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So, this old nut, to kill or not to kill, the Graybeards or the Blades. My preference is both. Now I know there are mods that solve this issue, some like the one that bears the same name as this thread does so fairly well. There is just one thing, it's not voiced which for me is... well it buggs the hell out of me honestly, it's like someones standing infront of me with their finger just half an inch from my forhead saying "I'm not touching you!"


Now I was reminded of a follower mod called Valfar (really good, go download it) wherein the author took existing dialog and remixed it into something new, really nicely done to. Now both Esbern and Delphine have fairly extensive dialoge that should offer some way to make a third option work. Though I bet it would requiers a mod author with some epic skills to pull of.


And if I've just happened to miss that one mod that actually does what I just asked, Please of the love of god post a link!!!!


God bless and good night!



Edited by Nimbus21
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There is just one thing, it's not voiced


Now both Esbern and Delphine have fairly extensive dialoge that should offer some way to make a third option work.


I agree with this, it makes the mod look like it's not working properly. I did bring this up before and I've looked at the sound files and the dialogue.


It would be possible to splice the existing dialogue sound files into new ones that reflect the feel and gist of the dialogue in The Paarthurnax Dilemma, but it may need changing some of the actual dialogue used and the on-screen subtitles.


I can do something with the sound files (not actually done much yet), but it would need Arthmoor to make another version that adds the sound files to a Voiced version of the mod - The Parrthurnax Dilemma - Voiced.


It's his mod, so if anyone comes up with a set of wav files that could be used, it's up to him whether he remakes the mod or not. It would be a lot of effort to go to on the off-chance that he may choose to use them. He may not be interested in re-doing the mod and he has definitely moved on to other projects.


Also, there will be a lip synch problem, which will cause other complaints of breaking immersion.



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