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Borderlands lv cap increase this week


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Hello Borderlands 2 will become the most insane shooter to ever exist with this latest level cap increase, If you are not aware of the up coming cap increase this will inform the. its going to be insane, i mean really insane, that's not a understatement. Tannes dlc will be available with the cap increase to lv72, which will bring a training session so to speak that will allow the player to play two raid bosses at the same time, maybe at any level the player chooses.


Here is more information



Borderlands 2 pax panel




More confirmed info on gearbox website.



Edited by Thor.
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72? Holy crap. Time for me to start playing Borderlands 2 again.


The only thing that surprises me is that they bumped the level cap by 11 again instead of by 12 this time. :P

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i still havent gotta a character to the last level cap. my Mechro sits at 55 on PS3, and i dont plan on touching BL2 on PS3 again, except coop with my gf. and my Assassin on PC is in his 30s. idk if ill ever even hit 61, nvm 72. i still havent played any of the DLC except Tourges either. even though i own them all.

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I have tuns of friends on psn, with lots of loot. So the pier pressure is getting to me :D

Its happening tomorrow, so get your char up to spec.



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lol i wont be playing BL2 for awhile. sucked back into GW2 for now. then after idk. could be back to BL2, could be on to another one of the hundred games i have that i have yet to play.


i dont think any of my friends on my PSN playlist (except you) play BL2 anymore. but idk, havent been on in a couple weeks now.




also...tons** ;)

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Just the thought of having 3 warriors fighting at level 100 :teehee: Or it could be exploited at level 80 for the loot.


I wonder how this horde mode will work out, excited.

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The stat progression in this game is exponential with level. I can't imagine what crazy things are going to be happening...especially balance-wise. Prior to this, I was reading around forums and plenty expressed some worry about an increase in level cap.




We'll see though. I love Borderlands.

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the raid bosses will balance things out, the Tannes dlc that allows you to spawn multiple raid bosses will turn things around :D , and the over leveled guns :thumbsup:

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