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MCM Config not showing up properly


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I have no idea how or why, but the MCM config does not seem to show up correctly. For starters whenever I see it in the Pause Menu it will say "$Mod Configuration" which I know is incorrect because that dollar sign never showed up when it properly worked. It then becomes worse as when I enter the menu, ALL of my mods that can only be activated/edited/changed etc etc etc through this menu is just not there. It is even more confusing as just the other day while I was running some tests it was working just fine until my game ran into a different kind of bug where it decided not to run and would not give me any sort of reasoning as to why, which I responded by disabling all of my mods one by one and starting up the game after each disable to find the culprit which confusingly enough, the culprit turned out to be "Skyrim Script Extender 64 (SKSE64)". And hilariously enough, after reenabling it the game worked again but then afterwards that is when the MCM decided to not work and even after redisabling that mod again the MCM still didn't work...


Needless to say that I'm really confused and need help please and thank you.


PS I use Vortex launcher and I would swap over to Nexus Mod Manager just to see if it's having the same issues but since there doesn't seem to be an export all mods button on the Vortex launcher and don't want to spend the next 5 hours going over all of my mods again unless I absolutely have to I'm going to look for some less hair ripping alternatives.

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That $Something thing seems to happen when a foreign language version of a mod is accidentally installed (one that either has no translation into your native language or is pointing to the "wrong" language). Afaik, it usually only affects the mod causing the issue, but it's been a while for me, so I don't recall if it affected anything else.


And as far as I know, it has nothing to do with the mod manager one uses.

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If it is saying "$Mod Configuration" instead of the normal MCM text, make sure that SkyUI is being properly loaded (both ESP and BSA). Sounds like the BSA may not be getting loaded as that is where the translation files and script files it needs are located. The "$Mod Configuration" indicates that the translation file is not accessible and the inability to access other mod MCM menus indicates that the necessary scripts are not accessible either.

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After fighting with Skyrim for a couple of days after thinking that maybe verifying the integrity of files might help only to find out that it re-updates the game, then having to re-de-update it only for the de-updating thing I use to not work then moving my Skyrim game to a different folder, then the de-updating thing worked, only for Vortex and any other mod managers unable to find my game, relocating it BACK to the other folder, then re-re-re-de updating the game then reinstalling SkyUI the MCM Configuration is working flawlessly XD Thank you all for the help!

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