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Defined Property returning as None


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Before anyone even thinks it (probably too late but meh) yes it really IS defined in CK.


So, I've now had this happen in the same script with two separate properties, A formlist and a script. I'm honestly not even sure what information is relevant here except to say that in-game this particular script thinks my formlist is a none. ie it's treating it as if it hasn't been defined in the CK when it is. Triple checked and checked again. This is driving me nuts.


All I want to do is a simple .getsize() and .AddForm but the logs say can't call on a none.



FormList			property BB_ActiveSchedules	auto


Function BB_ClearSchedule()
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule Start")
	Quest Schedule 
	ReferenceAlias ActorAlias 
	if BB_ActiveSchedules == none
		Debug.MessageBox("Clear - BB_ActiveSchedules bugged")

	int ListSize = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetSize() - 1
	int index = ListSize
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule ListSize: " + ListSize)
	while index >= 0
		Schedule = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetAt(0) As Quest
		ActorAlias = Schedule.GetAlias(0) As ReferenceAlias	
		Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule Schedule: " + Schedule)
		Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule Alias: " + ActorAlias)
		Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule Index: " + index)
		; BB_ActiveSchedules.RemoveAddedForm(Schedule as Form)
		Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule Remaining: " + BB_ActiveSchedules.GetSize())
		index -= 1
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Clear Schedule End")

Function BB_SetSchedule()
	Quest Schedule 
	ReferenceAlias ActorAlias 

	if BB_ActiveSchedules == none
		Debug.MessageBox("Set - BB_ActiveSchedules bugged")

	Schedule = ScheduleQuests.GetAt(AtLocation.GetValueInt()) As Quest
	ActorAlias = Schedule.GetAlias(0) As ReferenceAlias
	BB_ActiveSchedules.AddForm(Schedule as Form)
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Set Schedule Schedule: " + Schedule)
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Set Schedule Alias: " + ActorAlias)
	Debug.Trace("!Bowen - Set Schedule Size: " + BB_ActiveSchedules.GetSize())




The weirder thing is, if I call ClearSchedule() from another script it works perfectly! But when call either of these from inside the script they're in, can't call on a none.


I'm also using a variant of SetSchedule() in another script without issue, though it's not quite relevant. It's just frustrating to have half a working system. :smile:


Naturally I can't find any hint of anyone else having this problem.. or my google-fu has really gone downhill lately. Does anyone have any idea what the bleep I'm missing?

Edited by jaghar7
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What are you extending and whos calling


If you are extending the right type, and its attached to the same entity calling this, yeah it should see it fine so long as CK populated as you verified


Script in question is on a reference alias, extending reference alias and being called via dialogue with the NPC filling that alias.


I'd be happy to post a screenshot of the properties in CK if I thought it would help. This really has me baffled (and somewhat vexed). It strikes me as odd that I can call ClearSchedule() from another script (on same alias) and it functions just fine. If the property wasn't set then it shouldn't work at all right?


So I took that notion of calling from elsewhere.. put the functions in question in another script and added that script as a property to the original.. but then the script property came back as none as well! Can't call a function on a none! I know things can sometimes get weird so I thought it might serve as a workaround but nope.


I wonder if I removed the script altogether and then added it back and reassigned all the properties.. I'm at wits end at this point I'll try just about anything. :)

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Are you testing on a new game? Or save that has not seen the mod in question yet? I ask because quests are notorious for not recognizing new changes once they have already started.



An excellent question! All the changes I've been making recently have been working well so it didn't occur to me. I have a pretty good feeling you're right. Would explain why my latest attempt at a workaround met with the exact same issue. At least I'm assured I haven't gone crazy. (yet) I'll give it a go. I was about to the point where I was going to need to start a fresh game anyway.


I suppose this is what I get for a first time Skyrim mod.. really should've thought of that. :)

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while (i >= 0)
;;; Schedule = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetAt(0) As Quest           ; you code line
    quest q = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetAt(i) As Quest
    referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) As ReferenceAlias
    IF ( RA )
    i = i - 1

just another approach by using array



  GlobalVariable  PROPERTY AtLocation auto
  ObjectReference PROPERTY MapMarker  auto

  FormList PROPERTY ScheduleQuests auto

  Quest[] BB_ActiveSchedules

  Bool bBusy                                ; [default=False]

FUNCTION InitArray()
    BB_ActiveSchedules = new Quest[100]

FUNCTION DestroyArray()
    quest[] b
    BB_ActiveSchedules = b

FUNCTION BB_SetSchedule()
    WHILE (bBusy)
    bBusy = TRUE
;    -------
    quest q = ScheduleQuests.GetAt( AtLocation.GetValueInt() ) as Quest         ; get the schedule quest
    referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias                         ; get related alias
    IF ( RA )
        RA.ForceRefTo(MapMarker)                                                ; refer to marker

    IF (BB_ActiveSchedules.Length == 0)

    int i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Find(None)
    IF (i >= 0)
        BB_ActiveSchedules[i] = q                                               ; store to array as active quest
;    -------
    bBusy = False

FUNCTION BB_ClearSchedule()
IF ( bBusy )
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    Do not clear more than once!
    bBusy = TRUE
;    -------
    quest q

    int i = 0
    WHILE (i < BB_ActiveSchedules.Length)
        q = BB_ActiveSchedules[i]
        IF ( q )
            referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias
            IF ( RA )
            q = None
            BB_ActiveSchedules[i] = q
            i = i + 1
            i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Length

    i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Find(None)
    IF (i == -1)
        RETURN    ; - STOP -    Array is full!
;    ----------------------
    int n = i                                ; position of first <None> entry
    i = i + 1                                ; get next array position (init)
    WHILE (i < BB_ActiveSchedules.Length)
        q = BB_ActiveSchedules[i]
        IF ( q )
            BB_ActiveSchedules[n] = q        ; compact array by moving entry down
            n = n + 1                        ; increase compact counter
        i = i + 1                            ; get next array position (update)
;    -------
    bBusy = False



Edited by ReDragon2013
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while (i >= 0)
;;; Schedule = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetAt(0) As Quest           ; you code line
    quest q = BB_ActiveSchedules.GetAt(i) As Quest
    referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) As ReferenceAlias
    IF ( RA )
    i = i - 1

just another approach by using array



  GlobalVariable  PROPERTY AtLocation auto
  ObjectReference PROPERTY MapMarker  auto

  FormList PROPERTY ScheduleQuests auto

  Quest[] BB_ActiveSchedules

  Bool bBusy                                ; [default=False]

FUNCTION InitArray()
    BB_ActiveSchedules = new Quest[100]

FUNCTION DestroyArray()
    quest[] b
    BB_ActiveSchedules = b

FUNCTION BB_SetSchedule()
    WHILE (bBusy)
    bBusy = TRUE
;    -------
    quest q = ScheduleQuests.GetAt( AtLocation.GetValueInt() ) as Quest         ; get the schedule quest
    referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias                         ; get related alias
    IF ( RA )
        RA.ForceRefTo(MapMarker)                                                ; refer to marker

    IF (BB_ActiveSchedules.Length == 0)

    int i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Find(None)
    IF (i >= 0)
        BB_ActiveSchedules[i] = q                                               ; store to array as active quest
;    -------
    bBusy = False

FUNCTION BB_ClearSchedule()
IF ( bBusy )
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    Do not clear more than once!
    bBusy = TRUE
;    -------
    quest q

    int i = 0
    WHILE (i < BB_ActiveSchedules.Length)
        q = BB_ActiveSchedules[i]
        IF ( q )
            referenceAlias RA = q.GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias
            IF ( RA )
            q = None
            BB_ActiveSchedules[i] = q
            i = i + 1
            i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Length

    i = BB_ActiveSchedules.Find(None)
    IF (i == -1)
        RETURN    ; - STOP -    Array is full!
;    ----------------------
    int n = i                                ; position of first <None> entry
    i = i + 1                                ; get next array position (init)
    WHILE (i < BB_ActiveSchedules.Length)
        q = BB_ActiveSchedules[i]
        IF ( q )
            BB_ActiveSchedules[n] = q        ; compact array by moving entry down
            n = n + 1                        ; increase compact counter
        i = i + 1                            ; get next array position (update)
;    -------
    bBusy = False





I will make a note thanks! I haven't quite gotten to using arrays yet. Though the loop to clear is just a precautionary measure against weirdness. There should only be one active schedule at a time or they'll start to conflict. My guy will walk to Solitude instead of Windhelm etc. :smile: I was initially using a global as an index of a formlist to keep track but needs changed to something more flexible.


As a side note.. started a new game and now my guy won't even talk to me! LOL So I can't tell whether restarting helped or not.. if it's not one thing it's another!


Also, just wanted to say thanks to all who replied. I was waiting until I confirmed my issue was resolved but wanted to make sure I didn't forget. It is much appreciated.


Update: Restarting does seem to have fixed the Property = none issue..(assuming the logs are any indication) and revealed new ones.. some fixed.. but why... oh why.. is my follower now giving me the silent treatment??? the dialogue was working perfectly before dang nab it! Conditions haven't changed.. I guess something else must have. I'm >< close to VA *cough* and initial release.


Anyway, thanks again.

Edited by jaghar7
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Are you using vanilla follower system or is this follower using one of your custom quests as a framework?


Anyway it sounds like dialogue conditions arent being met from the sounds of it. Like they did apply mid-game but on a new one they aren't. Depending how you have this setup maybe generate another seq file if you otherwise know conditions etc are correct, just to rule that part out. One of those id have to look at it to pinpoint for sure

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Are you using vanilla follower system or is this follower using one of your custom quests as a framework?


Anyway it sounds like dialogue conditions arent being met from the sounds of it. Like they did apply mid-game but on a new one they aren't. Depending how you have this setup maybe generate another seq file if you otherwise know conditions etc are correct, just to rule that part out. One of those id have to look at it to pinpoint for sure


'Custom' framework.. though it's mostly just the same scripts from tutorials. At this point I've gone so far as removing all conditions on 'Follow me' and checking other followers. No sign of others not working and removing conditions had no effect. I'm thinking it's something funky with the quest. Still have one or two things to try. At the moment I've no idea what a seq file is/does. Conditions were just same as any other.. GetIsId on the quest and DismissedFollowerFaction == 1 on the dialogue. double and triple checked that hadn't changed on the actor. Still has the faction on game start.


Update: SEQ Start Enabled Quests.. got it.


So at one point I did check (with sqv) to make sure the controller quest was running (it was). I'm starting new games every time. It's acting like it's not on my follower and I don't see anything that sticks out from the logs. It's about this time I really start craving caffeine and pizza. :)

Edited by jaghar7
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