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Steal Equipped Items; Skip Changed Boone/Raul Quest; Easier Challenges


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Sorry, I'm really bad at making mods and I always screw them up, so I was wondering if someone could help me out?


First, has anyone ever made a mod that makes it so when you go to steal from someone, you can take their equipped items? Like being able to steal an NPC's equipped outfit. That would be absolutely wonderful.


Second, could anyone make a mod where Old school Ghoul and I Forgot to Remember to Forget have been marked as completed and Boone and Raul will already be wearing the survival armor (making amends choice) and vaquero outfit (become a gunslinger again)?


Finally, could someone make a mod to make challenges easier? Like I know someone's made a mod that changes all challenges to require like 1 billion to complete, but could someone make it so it only requires 1? It's really just Armed for Bear and Against All Tyrants: I always feel bad hunting down and killing named NPCs en masse to get the challenges if I want.


If you could make 3 separate esps that I could just drop in the data folder and mark as active that would be great. Could anyone help with this? I'm kind of pathetic when it comes to GECK modding and would really appreciate it.

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