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Foggy world with ENB


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totally delete all enb files from your skyrim directory, then go to Steam and verify integrity of game cache, you might have accidently deleted a file or something.


Try enb binary 119 http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0119.htm or 113 http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0113.htm

Give this enb a go: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22056/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D22056&pUp=1 It uses 113 or 119 and looks really nice :smile:


Don't forget to delete renderinfo.txt each time you swap enbs.


I deleted all enb files + the shader folder. After Steam checked my files it says that 5 files need to be redownloaded. After that i tested my Skyrim if everything works and yes i got no problem. Exept fot my follower. He was completle invisible but not his head :laugh: . But after a restart of the game it was fixed.


I installed the enb 119 with the RealLike ENB and it WORKS!! :laugh:


But i got a frame drop from over 40 :pinch: . I will try the latest version of ENB (0.214) maybe it will work. Otherwise i have to stay with the 119 or 113.



Oops. I have the same problem (ENB vision looking like my char smoked bad pot). A few hours ago, a friend brought his AMD card, because he wanted to know, if his board is dead or his card. The card is fine, I tested it with Skyrim, then I tested ENB and there was no nasty foggy blur. Check your driver settings again for conflicting stuff, especially AF/AA settings.


Can you post a screenshot? I think i have the same issiu on my notebook but there it was created by a mod and i was able to fix it.



glad to hear it works, enb 113 and 119 work perfectly with it :D

The latest enb 214 murders fps with Realike enb because it's not optimised with it.

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glad to hear it works, enb 113 and 119 work perfectly with it :D

The latest enb 214 murders fps with Realike enb because it's not optimised with it.



I installed the latest version (214) and i got like 40 - 60 FPS with Reallike ENB and i have to say it looks fantastic! Thanks buddy you really helpt me! :laugh:

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Okay, funny. Just as I wanted to make you some screenshots with the NVIDIA installed, the effect was gone. So it basically went like this:


NVIDIA card: foggy dream effect

purged NVIDIA drivers and settings, removed NVIDIA card

AMD card: normal, expected ENB behavior

purged AMD drivers and settings, replaced NVIDIA card

NVIDIA card: normal, expected ENB behavior

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Okay, funny. Just as I wanted to make you some screenshots with the NVIDIA installed, the effect was gone. So it basically went like this:


NVIDIA card: foggy dream effect

purged NVIDIA drivers and settings, removed NVIDIA card

AMD card: normal, expected ENB behavior

purged AMD drivers and settings, replaced NVIDIA card

NVIDIA card: normal, expected ENB behavior


LoL, haha :laugh: fastest troubleshoot ever! :laugh:

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