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Cannedbread17 - BANNED

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Cannedbread17 banned.

Reason for the ban

The world does not revolve around your wishes and your preferences. Deal with it. Somewhere else.

God dammit.

God f***ing dammit.

Why are there no good mods anymore? Why is it that every time I get on FNV Nexus all I see is s*** like this? Why can't people put effort into their mods and make actually good ones? I guess all the good mod ideas have been taken already. All that can be made now are mods that are filled to the brim with the most annoying f***ing ponyfag/weeaboo/furry horseshit known to man. Why is this even a thing? Who in their right mind would even think that something related to a little kids show would look good in a post-apocalyptic world?

tl;dr Yeah, I mad. I real mad. f*** this s***.

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