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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. This forum is meant to be a space for those who wish to say hello to the community in general and introduce themselves. If you want to delve right into the depth of modding and gaming related issue, please use the sub-forums/communities dedicated to the games we host on the Nexus. Thank you!
  2. Threads that ignore this stickied notice will be deleted or moved at the staff's discretion.
  3. proplayer1122334455 banned Reason: Ban evasion. Previously banned user: nuusu Reference post
  4. Reinstalling Cyberpunk 2077 after watching Edgerunners was my best decision this year
  5. gargleonthisD banned Reason: Another ban evasion + a lovely PM. Into the trash this goes where it belongs. Reference post
  6. Modlover227 banned Reason: Ban evasion: Previously banned user: caboose27xxx, fatcaboose
  7. stziiurrhmogd banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  8. xzbsvxjglkpcysvfwp banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  9. Kohor25273 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  10. inotstop34343 banned Reason: Ban evasion. Previously banned user: imstillhere6354, fgggg1
  11. SoLowHigh banned Reason: Piracy of Cyberpunk 2077: We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  12. DaddyJonnes banned Reason: By request. Reference post
  13. xnqjnj banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  14. Stupino banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  15. Fopam banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  16. Nexusmodsisdogshit1 banned Reason: Account sharing + idiocy. Login info shared on a website.
  17. nexusmodscantdownlaodshit banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  18. nexusmodsarepedos1 banned Reason: Account sharing + idiocy. Login info shared on a website.
  19. As Pickysaurus said, we do not get involved when a mod author blocks someone. However, after taking a look at your posts, I must say, mod authors in general consider it bad form to recommend another mod that "does it better" in a mod comment topic, especially if the mod author is still active (the mod is not abandoned).
  20. YourDeathWillCome banned Reason: Ban evasion. Previously banned user: ThePandasMustDie Now the joke's on you.
  21. JonesGonGiveItToyah banned Reason: Pronouns troll
  22. HughMungusWhat1776 banned Reason: Troll account to upload pronouns mod.
  23. JanniesTongueMyAsshole banned Reason: Inappropriate username
  24. Thickerino banned Reason: Troll. + Previously banned user.
  25. NexusModTeam banned Reason: Troll
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