leetfart Posted September 2, 2013 Author Share Posted September 2, 2013 Alright I have changed the DDS file compression to a few different types that are recommended and no textures are displaying in Nifskope or in-game. I'm pretty lost on this now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadeybladey Posted September 2, 2013 Share Posted September 2, 2013 Just checked again and BSShaderTextureSet is pointing directly at the required textures. I use a .dds, _n.dds and an _m.dds but no _e.dds, That's OK, the *_e.dds is a cube map for glow and reflection effects and not every item has them - weapons usually do - shiney_bright, shiney_dull etc. I doubt there's anything wrong with NifSkope as it works for everyone else. Much more likely the textures are not displaying due to the way they were made with whatever software you used (Photoshop?) OH, with NifSkope, make sure that Autosanitised is unchecked as well when you save the nif. It is ON by default and can screw some meshes, EG bows that do not draw the string even though they loose the arrow. Just to eliminate the possibility that it may be that. I use GIMP and NifSkope and have only ever seen this when I specified the wrong path to the textures. I cannot do the 3D modelling, but changing colours etc of weapon meshes and textures is easy-peasey, lemon-squeesy compared with magickal spell effects. Those do not even have a BSShaderTextureSet in the nif and you have to change the colours directly in the mesh. I am not familiar with Photoshop, but try loading the textures again without mipmaps, exporting and compressing in BC3/DXT5 compression format while regenerating mipmaps, if Photoshop allows that type of compression. You might want to make a backup first, just in case. ~.~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadeybladey Posted September 3, 2013 Share Posted September 3, 2013 The only other thing I can think of is to double check the paths in the WEAP and STAT resources. ~.~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leetfart Posted September 3, 2013 Author Share Posted September 3, 2013 Alright some good news is that I have finally got the diffuse map to work on my weapon, the only issue I have now is that the normal map doesn't appear to be working but hey, this is progress. This time I exported my model out into a NIF file for Nifskope (I used to export as OBJ and used Nifskope to save as NIF) and it finally reads my diffuse. Now I know the paths definitely work I'm going to assume that I need to do some DDS tweaks to make my normal map show. I use Photoshop and I use DXT1/5 when saving as DDS but I will look around about my normal map. Thanks for all the help so far, nice community here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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