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Sunshine effect refuses to work, no matter what I do.


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Hey guys, new to the forums here.


I just started attempting this mod stuff after seeing all the dazzling pictures on the internet of how great skyrim can look with the right mods. Unfortunately no matter what mods I install or in what order, I can't get the sunshine to work right. All the mods work as advertised except for that. The water looks great, the bigger trees look awesome, the nighttime blue nebula sky is absolutely stunning. However outdoors during daytime everything is evenly lit and looks almost overcast even if I look up and see clear skies and the sun. The even lighting on every object makes for a very unrealistic feel, and robs me of that spectacular look everyone else seems to have with rays shining through trees, etc.


I don't get shadows cast by trees or rocks, mountains, anything. I don't get sunshine reflection on water, no lens flare, nothing. Indoors works great, fire looks good and everything casts shadows perfectly to include fire pits and torches. The even lighting on objects also makes the grass sprites really stand out and look fake. I have attached a list of all the mods I have installed and am using. The only mods I can't use (as you can see they are unchecked) are "convenient horse" "magic duel" and "realistic lighting - dawnguard" they all make Skryim crash on startup for me when they are enabled.


Any idea on how I can fix this sun problem? I swear I installed all the mods in the right order per instructions on the download pages.

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Climates of Tamrial will give you the sky and weather effects you want:



Here is a very nicely made weather patch:



If you want sun shafts and that really colourful sky than you will enb series (high performance hit)



You will also need to find an ENB preset on the nexus you like.

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Why are the Climates of Tamriel esm/esp's not in your load order? You can't get the 'rays' without enb series, which requires the following in your skyrimprefs.ini





As for the crashing, make sure you run BOSS and then manually sort the unrecognized plugins. Also check each one independently for parent esm/esp files you do not have.

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