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So where IS Mr. Bero??

Jenlyn Fayre

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I've looked around in St. Olym's canton and can't seem to find Dram Bero. People I talk to said they've seen him "on top" of St. Olym's. How do you get to the top? Seems to me the farthest you can go is to where that upper section is-- you know, the one that's shaped like a square that overlooks a little plaza on the first floor?


And yes, I did do a search on this forum for it. I found references to Mr. Bero, but not where to find him.


Little :help: ??

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It's in the plaza as has been said (the plaza being the big area that you reach by going up the stairs and through the big double door at the top of the canton). There aren't many houses in there, it should be easy enough to find... just look at all the doors until you see one labeled "Haunted Manor". :P


The door on the inside is locked, level 50 if I recall correctly... so just pack a scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging if you don't have enough Security skill (you can buy one from Galbedir in the Mages Guild in Balmora).

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