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Bag of Holding: Fallout Equivalent?


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I've just ordered Fallout 3 for the PC. I've been downloading interesting mods, waiting for my mail-order to arrive. Is there a mod that's equivalent to the Oblivion mod "Bag of Holding" for Fallout? Any suggestions of other mods for a new gamer in Fallout is also welcome!
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Just my opinion, but I like this mod even more, "Sack_of_Holding-1489." It is almost exactly like the bag of holding in Oblivion. However, without the separate compartments. I have used this mod extensively, to stash away really obscene amounts of loot, for repairs and resale to vendors. I have never had a problem with any inventory loss. It becomes extremely useful if you also need to carry additional gear, for companions. It is one of my must-have mods for the game.
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